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Two Weekends in a Row?


Dec 7, 2013
Hello everyone,

i have a few questions regarding MDMA that i need answered to put my mind at rest.

First of all here is some background information.

I have only ever rolled 5 times in my life, my most recent being yesterday. I try to space my rolls apart which is more that can be said for most of the people in my area. Many of my friends and accquantances dose extremely highly and also roll as often as every weekend and do this on a regular basis.

Now, i have been waiting for quite some time to try a candyflip and this coming saturday presents the perfect opportunity for me to experience it (perfect environment, perfect people, perfect music,)

However, i am slightly apprehensive that because i rolled this saturday, next saturday my candy flip experience may be suppressed and may be much less enjoyable
i have also read about the fact that LSD and MDMA have a cross tolerance
and as i have read i am to drop the acid first, will my acid trip be weaker due to me rolling this weekend?

Thanks for all your responses
I wouldn't worry about it too much. It is perfectly possible to roll 2 weeks in a row with success and no diminishing of experience. I've done it and felt fine and enjoyed it thoroughly. LSD and MDMA do not really have a cross-tolerance or they wouldn't work in combination, which we know isn't true. They might slightly change how each of them effects you, but the effects should still be there.

Just make sure that taking it weekly is not a regular thing. Most people who appear to run into problems from MDMA take it weekly for sustained periods of time and with untested substances. One off rolling twice in two weeks is not that big of a deal.
Although LSD also mediates serotonin for its effect it's a completely different mechanism from mdma. With mdma the problem is that the serotonin receptors become down regulated with frequent use. This does not effect how LSD works.

Just make sure you spend a healthy week before next weekend.
Unless you plan to take a decent break after these experiences I highly suggest not to over do it. Regardless of the possible effects it is always a good idea to give yourself a decent break between using ANY substance. Giving yourself minimum a month for most substance and 3 months for mdma this willl avoid most side effects but most importantly it will :

1) Avoid developing a weekend drug using routine
2) reduce your motivation to break your own safe drug using limits
3) avoid tolerance

If you plan to give yourself a decent break there shouldn't be a problem but don't let this become a habit because at one point you will have negative effects from it

Stay safe
You can take LSD on day one and MDMA on day two and it'll work fine. But I've tried on SEVERAL occasions to do MDMA on the first day and LSD on the second with zero effect. Wasted some good drugs trying that like 3 or 4 times before I learned my lesson.
A week apart is cutting it pretty close. You'll survive of course. But you may want to have your schedule free for the following day. I'd imagine a little bit of recouping would happen. Like someone else said, be as healthy as you can be, exercise and eat really well for the remaining days you have leading up to the experience and do the best you can to keep up the healthy diet and exercise the days after the experience.
I personally recommend against this. I used to roll in a semi-responsible manner, trying to space out rolls by 6 weeks but usually ended up rolling every 3-4 weeks. No worries. But there was an occasion or two that I tried to do back to back weekends, as you are suggesting. I did roll, but the roll was not as good, I felt very wrung out, recovery period was worse and longer.

Part of the problem is that the memory of your good, strong roll is fresh in your mind, or it was for me when I did this. So then, a week later, I'm rolling, but I have a clear sense that the roll is not as strong as it was the week before, and that leaves me a bit disappointed. After all, everything is relative.

Another issue is that I've had mixed success with the candyflip, and with the hippieflip. Psychedelics can have weird effects with ecstasy. Sometimes they may seem to boost it, or create just a trippier euphoria. However, I've also had them snap me out of a roll, because I'm thinking too much. Ecstasy largely makes you deliriously happy by making you dumb (e-tarded), or at least very limited in what you are thinking about, without cares about tomorrow, etc. A psychedelic trip, at least for me, can sometimes put my neurons in overdrive, making me rise above the "e-tardedness" and I'm not always happy with what I see, and the whole thing crumbles like a house of cards. I'd save the candyflip for a time you know you've spaced out your roll.

So, I guess though it's not best, I'd say JUST roll if you are going to do this, do not candyflip. Or, even better, just take the acid. I mean, acid by itself can be every bit as potent as ecstasy at creating an ecstatic state of mind, and it is largely dependent on setting and people. You say the setting, people and music will be perfect, so it ought to be perfect for tripping. I've tripped around people rolling and their good vibes help propel me to have good vibes. You really don't need ecstasy if you've got acid.

Now, this advice comes from some one a bit jaded because I always thought the candyflip would be the ultimate experience, but it never lived up to the hype, and I have had much better times with either separate than when I've combined them. YMMV.

This isn't the wisest decision considering you just rolled, but you should be fine. An extended break is highly recommended after you do this of at least 2 months.

That being said, I found that in my experience of a pretty much identical circumstance, the LSD high was much more pronounced. Visually pretty heavy with a faint warm and fuzzy feeling. I enjoyed myself nonetheless, but felt it wasn't exactly a candy flip. Just something to keep in mind.

Stay safe :)
Got friends rolling on a week basis with no side effects.. Body change from people to ppl.
So, It won't matter unless you make it a habit.
If you gonna use it 2 weekends in a row, I suggest you take supplementation and give at least 3-4 months break.
Its crazy to watch those people "with no side effects" suddenly break down or have the worst night of their lives.

It always does catch up no matter what we think. :\
I used to go to a club Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday week in week out, take ~ 4 pills a night for the best part of two years. You'll be fine.