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TV: "Saxondale" (Steve Coogan)


Mar 21, 2000
This is a BBC-produced sitcom written by and starring Steve Coogan who plays the title character Tommy Saxondale, an ex-roadie who now works in pest control but is still very much living in the past.


Here's an exerpt from Season 2, where Tommy is sitting in on a group therapy/ Narcotics Anonymous session. It reminded me of a number of threads I've seen on bluelight.

Geoff: I smashed up a brand new BMW 850i. The hookers I was with, well they must have been psychic, cause they jumped out five minutes before I wrapped that thing around a tree. Doctor told me I severed three tendons in this arm, broke this wrist. Got up, went to the nearest bar like some crazy latter day dandy, ordered a double Jack and racked up a line of the devils dandruff.

Therapist: Well, thank you Geoff. That sounds harrowing.

Geoff: Oh it was my friend.

Therapist: Anybody else like to share any similar... Tommy...

Tommy: I was so high on drugs and fat from pies, I went out and drove a real puppy. A really cute one... and then I ate it... uh.. and then I was thirsty, I ended up drinking the acid from my car battery.. and, um.. I was tripping so much I actually fell into some farm yard machinery. Now that was harrowing. I severed all the tendons in my head, shoulders, knees and toes... and eyes and ears and mouth and nose, but crucially my head shoulders knees and toes, head shoulders knees and toes.. and the doctors who were charged with re-attaching the tendons on my head botched the job because they were high on drugs too.. and they, unbelievably, stitched my head on back to front so whenever I tried to move forward I ended up taking two steps back.

Therapist: Tommy, seriously-

Tommy: And shamefully I stole a live dolphin and used it as a bong, smoking through the blowhole...

{Tommy mimes smoking through the dolphin}

Tommy: So who's won the competition?

Therapist: What competition?

Tommy: You know the I'm-dead-interesting-cause-I-was-the-baddest-behaved-person-on-drugs-competition.

It's a great off-beat show. If you like Steve Coogan check it out.
I love Saxondale, it really is an under-rated gem. By far the best BBC comedy for a while.