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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

TV: Farscape


Jan 31, 2003
only like the best sci-fi series EVER made. period. no questions asked, and if you ask any questions, well, frell you. i'm suprised i couldn't find a thread about it. i mean come on, they get high on strange alien drugs, and where else do you ever get to see aliens having sex? AMAZING plots, special FX, sets and costumes (something like $1 million per episode), and actors. every single actor was perectly cast. brilliant. and the love story...ah...the love story....

i was so sad when it was cancelled, and so happy when the peacekeeper wars finally came out to end the saga, even when i didn't want it to end....i'm half way through the entire series for the second time....

quick! run to your nearest torrent site right now!....long live jim henson's wizardry.... :\
::waits til crow sees this thread::

he's the biggest farscape fan ever!!! :)
I don't know about best sci-fi series ever. Star Trek: The Next Generation, Quantum Leap and The X-Files deserve consideration for that title, but it's up there. I watched the movie finale first before ever watching the series, and all I really have to say is that the characters in this show are awesome and it is a great show.
Benefit said:
I don't know about best sci-fi series ever.

wish someone would shoot YOU through a wormhole... ;)

and next geneneration is awesome too, don't get me wrong...i watched the entire series. but farscape is just way more "out there" in every possible way. star trek is kinda sterile in comparison, though i still love it. but it's like apples and oranges i guess.
It is a very good show. It made me cry and laugh like few other sci-fi shows.

I'm also a fan of the Stargates, especially midseries SG-1 and the first season of Atlantis. And the first season of Battlestar Galactica and the miniseries are the best scifi ever, imo. Better than Farscape for that time period.
I've watched enough episodes of this show to know I enjoy it, but I definitely wouldn't say best sci-fi show ever. One of these days I'll get around to watching the entire series.
yeah it really is one that you need to watch from start to end. it's not mini-episodes like many other shows, as the storyline continues throughout the whole series. watching episodes here and there might leave you somewhat in the dark. but that's what i like about it. it's like a REAAALLLYYY long movie.
Just seen this thread; and gotta say, Farscape is one hell of an entertaining show! There really is only a handful of really good sci-fi series out there, and farscape is certainly one of them. I wish it didn't get canceled, esp the way it did.

I really liked Star Trek DS9, Battle-star, Stargate to name a few....I'd love to see more stuff like this!
im just bumping this cause cyc seemed so sad that firefly was so short. this series is awesome and i am thoroughly enjoying rewatching the entire series on netflix instant. ill prolly try to pick up the entire series on dvd now that they got the packaging fixed. when they first started selling dvds you could buy a disc that had 2 shows on it for 30 bucks, outrageous. now the whole series sells for 60.
its been so long since ive seen it that i barely remember any of the episodes.
I've been watching the entire series in order for the past couple weeks. I just started on Season 3. What a great show. It has it's cheesy moments, but over all it's a brilliant show. Hell, the psychology of Scorpius is insanely awesome. So smart folks behind that.
made entirely in sydney if i recall correctly. i don't remember much from the series except the dark haired chick. note to self: watch