• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Truth Serum?


Moderator: TDS
Staff member
Jul 2, 2008
Sodium amytal?

Morphine and scopolamine and morphine?

An IV of a barbiturate just until passing out, then introducing amphetamine?

Various psychedelics?

Seems that MK Ultra and the CIA conclude that it's easy to put up a defense against these (probably in reference in sodium amytal and other barbs), that they reveal true as real and false information...

But the procedure was used to test the maniac who shot up the batman theater in 2012.

I think that to pull truth out of people involves not just a drug, but proper setting, training, and condition of patient (various factors like fatigue). Torture is all but useless, unless any sort of information is needed, true or not.

I think this is an interesting thought experiment, maybe not entirely related to neuroscience. I'm not too well-associated with brain regions that activate when the truth is told (kind of a stupid statement).

But I was thinking that love is sort of a truth serum. I'm kind of wondering about an intense amount of research being put into pheremones...or rather...

This is while taping sound and footage to examine kinesics and tone, under polygraph test too, with a non-invasive interview being conducted daily by a talented psychologist. There must be several people whom visit them per day and hurt them in some mild but chronic manner, and one person who apparently "understands" (an expert in interpersonal communication and psychology and possibly hypnosis and the like); The process could take several months (I know this is a rough outline):

1. Test patient in controlled environment with different pheremones, find which they respond most to
2. Repeat #1 to discover the substance that produces the optimum ratio of sociability and relaxation (ex. there are happy drunks, and there are violent drunks); test combinations and refine doses, we don't want the deadened sedation of sodium amytal, MDMA and analogues seem promising
3. Find out what environmental stimuli most creates poignant feelings (what turns them on, so to speak), and re-create the experience
4. Employ oxytocin

5. Use all four variables at once while the tirelessly trained specialist who "understands" pushes forth and mines the subject for information

Just a thought

MDMA plus low dose benzodiazepines and a comfortable setting is way more effective than amytal IIRC