tribblEorlfl is no more...


Dec 18, 1999
in more ways than one. For starters, with all this shit goin down here on the baord, it turns out my profile and stuff was deleted.
It's all good though, casue I've kinda been wanting to change my name for a while. For starters, just kinda wanted to drop the orlfl part so its not so obviosu where I am. Also, didnt like tribble any more, so it's all good! Anyhoo, trancEnder's gonna be my dj name once I get it all goin, so what the hell.
As for the secodn reason, well after this weekend, this raver needs to hang up his glowstix for a while. I got more phucked up than I ever have, and I discovered soem problems with my life and fmaily and shit I need to get straightened up. Soem priorities I've shoved aside in order to roll; I never thought that would happen, so I need a break. Plus I want to explore my relationship with Rachel for a while without having to keep my "extracaricular" activies hidden.
No, thsi doesnot mean I'm quiting alltogether, just for a month or so. I'll still post on bluelight, I'll still talk to my crew, you know who you are. Thsi also doesn't mean Ruru's and my agreement isn't goign through. That's actually oen of the reasons for my decision, cause I need money in order to move in with ya!
So...until I roll with you all again, eat a bean in my name! Either the new or old!
New Year's probably out, at least drug wise. I'm thinkin KC's house warmin party in Feb, but I dont want to make nay promisses.
X2K- Rolling into the Phuture
hey !
Quite the weekend eh?
i like to never found I-4 after leaving the hotel!
you'll have to icq me later to chat about this weekend. I'm sick , lungs filled up again ! coughing my head off. just downed the bottle vic's 44 and god am i like sketched out , space ranger !!!! woooo !!! fuck , i hope this shit doesn't wire my ass , i need sleep !!!
..And it won't be very long / till i'm going going gone (and is there really something wrong with me )...
Wow, I am sad and glad to here all that???? I am sad cause i was so looking forward to tripping with you sat nite

But happy becuase we all need to do that some times and just take a break and revaluate the situation so you can benifit the most and hurt the least.......I commend you transEnder.....(aka tribleorlfl) had to type that name one more time LOL

Well anywho I hope you will be present at our NYE meetup, regardless if you partake in the drugs or not, it would not be the same without you.......

Peaceout bro........RuRu
heya tribble. . er. . . i mean trancender. kewl name! i can totally relate to where your at right now. i've made some bad decisions over the past few months and so i too will be taking a break.
my glowsticks'll be hung up for three full months though. pretty rough. i'm only on day seven, but i passed my first huge test last night. i had quality pills available and my friends were cutting lines of the good stuff (pure mdma) right in front of me and i didn't cave. i figure after new year's i'll be passed the roughest part. funny, there's no physical withdrawal (obviously), but i'm spending all my time on drug related internet sites. getting my mental fix i guess

take care!
ps. of course i'll still visit bluelight at least ten times a day
Since thsi has gotten booted to the next page, i wanted to get it back towards the top so everybody knows of my name change, espc my normal crew. Thsi is gonna comein esp handy, so all of you know who I am, in my next psot....and it's a doozy.

X2K- Rolling into the Phuture
Well, I'm glad we got to party together before your "break". I had alot of fun with you guys, just wish we wouldv'e planned it a little better!! We waited on you at the hotel room for a couple of hours but youv never came b ack!! WHAT HAPPENED!
Your the coolest! Look me up on ICQ if ya wanna chat sometime and you have my number!
Hi there, trancEnder--Love the name sweetie!
Well I am definately glad that you are respecting yourself by putting your life first--but also like RuRu, am sad cause I wanted everyone together at least for New Years--I will drop one in your name...drop me a line if you need to talk to someone--I'm always here for my family (BLUELIGHTERS)!
Luv Yuz