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Tourists in Ibiza being sold ‘Cannibal’ drug


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
Tourists in Ibiza being sold ‘Cannibal’ drug linked to vicious attack on homeless man in Miami
BY LEE MORAN NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Police believe British tourists on the Spanish island are being used as 'guinea pigs' to test the effects of hallucinogenic narcotic Methylenedioxypyrovalerone, which was blamed for the 2012 assault which Rudy Eugene ate three-quarters of Ronald Poppo's face.

Tourists visiting Ibiza are being sold a drug linked to the horrendous cannibal attack on a homeless man in Florida, it's claimed.
Cops on the Spanish party island have launched a severe crackdown on powerful Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) - after an outbreak of extreme violence among takers.
The hallucinogenic narcotic - dubbed "Cannibal" - was blamed for the sickening assault carried out by Rudy Eugene, 31, on vagrant Ronald Poppo, 65, in Miami in June 2012.
Police were forced to shoot Eugene dead after he devoured three-quarters of his victim's face while high on the bath salts substance.

Augggg! Not again, first off mdpv is neither hallucinogenic{unless u count shadow peeps!} or a narcotic. The guy they shot, the 'cannibal' wasnt even on mdpv!!!! Incorrect news bothers me so much.:!
The government wanted some drugs banned and without a bunch of debate. Assholes like me always mention things like personal freedom in drug ban debates. The government need a hook, a story our side could never explain away. They created the bath salts zombie myth. I do not believe that any law enforcement person ever had a sincere belief this guy was on bath salts. I believe it was a story created to mold public opinion. Right from the get go I knew it was fake, they didn't find an empty package of ivory wave or something on him, his family said he didn't do drugs, it looked like they just it made it up. When I researched the drug mdpv (here as a matter of fact) there was no mention of violence, people were going to raves with 10 thousand people on this stuff with no problems. Everyone here said it was addictive stimmy crap, because people are honest here, but no stories of going crazy or violent. I had to come here and ask 18 year olds what it was like because the government and media only spread propaganda. And you know 99.99 percent of the people reading these stories would never look up facts on a substance like that. The government had them at "cannibal drug" they didn't want any more info.
Try to debate people on this issue in 2012 and you got looks like you were totally insane. I saw two things happen over and over on my facebook feed (which is 3/4 pot heads FFS):
People made stupid jokes about grandmas bath salts or zombies and faux horror at the situation. No one anywhere had anything positive to say about MDPV and if you did people looked at you like you were insane. People cheered for their rights to be taken away, they complained it wasn't happening fast enough. I went around telling people to wait for the toxicology tests and there would be no bath salts. I was right but didn't realize that would never matter again. The fact he was not on bath salts ceased to matter at all. Here is the proof two years later the story still exists. Poll people on street i bet 75 percent will say bath salts is the zombie drug. That will never ever go away now. This story was so well crafted it is burned into the public mind. The government learned this worked with the PCP propaganda of the 70's that removed PCP from white America to this day. The government was able to ban a whole bunch of drugs they wanted to because of bath salts, including 2-ce which probably never hurt anyone, and the Synthetic Drug Abuse Prevention Act of 2012 became law with almost no debate.
That's how easy we got beat. A popular drug lie 2-ce got banned because of a fake story. I never made any bath salt zombie jokes I was just sad watching my freedoms get taken away and feeling like i was the only one who saw it. The situation changed my whole opinion on our chances in drug war too. The other side does not play even remotely fair and the American people can expect fake stories planted in the media by their government to alter their opinions.
Sorry how long that was, still angry about it.
I predict they will try to use the zombie tactic and the date rape tactic more in the future both are great for making me look like a crazy person who supports cannibal drugs and date rape drugs.