Too late for PCT? (plz read)

So there's hope for all of us guys who want to be dads in the future! :D

I got my gf preggers at the end of my last cycle and she's clinically infertile lol

Thanks for the reply gf, assuming there are no 19-Nors on a cycle, at what dosage would you reccomnd taking a pct? Out of interest, I'm in for the long haul myself now
I got my gf preggers at the end of my last cycle and she's clinically infertile lol..... Its a miracle..!!

Thanks for the reply gf, assuming there are no 19-Nors on a cycle, at what dosage would you reccomnd taking a pct? Out of interest, I'm in for the long haul myself now

With no 19-nors... Kinda depends how heavy the other compounds were.... but pretty standard: 2 weeks after last pin (if long ester) Nolva 20mg Clomid 50mg 4-6 weeks...
Sorry I should have been more clear on that, what dosage test would warrant pct vs taper?
Sorry I should have been more clear on that, what dosage test would warrant pct vs taper?

I suppose it would depend on whether there were side effects on cycle, or maybe if a blood test showed E2 very high etc... Plus the size and AAS experience of the person using.. I'd probably be looking at somewhere between 375mg - 500mg.... Personally I've not bothered on up to 900mg / week just tapered down slowly & jumped on creatine.... Worked ok from 1982 till about 5 or 6 years ago, when I've just cruised blasted since....

I suppose if I was younger and bothered about having kids then I might be a bit more concerned, but I'm an old c*** and don't really give a shite..!!
You been cycling quite a while what's your stats gf bro? Age bf weight height etc, we always hear the noob stats but never the longer members or mods.

I'm personally about 5"11 or 6ft, weigh 208 at about 13-14% body fat (maybe less or more hard to tell because of water retention which I can't tell if I have or not). 21 years old.
Chiming stats in for (attempt at) dick sizing :p
5' 6" 23 yrs old, 177 lbs 13% bf
GF been blasting for 1 1/2 of my lifetimes :p