time to remove myself from the fires...


Oct 22, 1999
all the things i've come to love about this board - the "family" the love.. the informative, yet entertaing posts....... they must be MIA. (or at least buried under all the other crap)
I did not come to this board to read or answer surveys or watch numerous and pointless flame threads. I came here seeking knowledge, and i even found a few friends.....
alas.. it has reached a point in here where there is one informative / interesting post for 20 other posts of absolute crap. and i'm tired of digging.
so, I'm going to remove myself from the board for awhile, in the hopes that it will clean itself up. all i want is a fun-loving, yet mature place to read and learn and to bond with people that feel the same way. I'm sorry to go, and I'll miss you all (well maybe not all) but its just pointless to even be on this board anymore.
AKA GlitterGirl
it's good to be alive.....
sometimes i wonder how i survived....
Peace out girl!!I do agree that its gettin kinda mess but oh well. Somethin to do on the weeknights instead of wtachin tv....love4ever
i'm gonna miss ya GlitterGirl, but I understand where your at, i too have felt the same things, like WTF there is nothing good on Bluelight tonite. But like Vitamin-K said its something else to do beside watch tv, tho sometimes I do both

I feel the board is like everything in our lives it is ever changing, there are gonna be times when you dont like the direction it is going, but rest asure it will change again and evolve into something new, and then there might be something you like about it again and can look forward to again.
Hope you still check in periodically and give us a shout.......mmwwwahhhh
Ya know you took the words right outta my mouth...I love most of the peeps on here but these new people that have came on and took over with surveys and other shit is ridiculous..I hardly ever even read anymore!! What happened to all the oldies??
Peace out Glittergirl and maybe I'll still be here when you come back..have plenty of interesting stories for us though!! Love ya
~~~Queen G~~~
See that's the problem with you people you're all fucked in the head. You think you started the whole goddamn "rave culture" and when new people "join" or take part in it you bitch and complain...who created this scene? Well it sure in the hell wasn't you. (big surprise) When things start to go mainstream it doesn't destroy the "culture" only spreads it. Believe me the people before "us" bitched when we came on the scene. We are not the pioneers of the rave culture all of you were dragged into it...the innovators are those from the early 80's I'm talking twenty years ago....(I doubt few of you were even around) So stop you bitching you're nothing special you too joined at one point.
See that's the problem with you people you're all fucked in the head. You think you started the whole goddamn "rave culture" and when new people "join" or take part in it you bitch and complain...who created this scene? Well it sure in the hell wasn't you. (big surprise) When things start to go mainstream it doesn't destroy the "culture" only spreads it. Believe me the people before "us" bitched when we came on the scene. We are not the pioneers of the rave culture all of you were dragged into it...the innovators are those from the early 80's I'm talking twenty years ago....(I doubt few of you were even around) So stop you bitching you're nothing special you too joined at one point.
wow, wait a second, no one is saying they are better than you and that we don't want all of the new people on this board. But i think what everyone here is trying to say, is that its is getting bombarded with stupid things, and immature people, no one was bashing YOU codex so take a chill and don't be soo nasty. This board is about helping people and all that other plur stuff, so relax, you are not very examplory by bashing how we feel. I still love this board to death, but i find myself not comming on here so often anymore...just because it lost the feeling of when i first started comming on. I still love it though
so thats it and thats all we will miss you glitter
Well, i empathize with you Glittergirl, but it's my worst fear that this is going to be the result of people posting crappily. I think that the moderators could help out a little and remove redundant posts, move off-forum posts to the right forum, and just straight delete posts. I will take the responsibility to clean this up a little, not fascist, but like an iron fist wrapped in a velvet glove

i for one will keep posting, as long as people are reading and i have the time, hopefully it will get a good snowball going, maybe everyone that has something remotely worthwhile to post here can move over to the chill-out room, and you know who you are.
These topics move far too quickly down the page for the time, effort, and worthyness of what we write and the dialogue that ensues.....
So, don't give up! You are the hope, you are the light.....
I don't tend to look at it that way, cause at first when all the OG's of this board first came on they were asking the same questions as people today, the only difference there's more people doing it now.
"Entheogens gives Drugs a good name."
There's a solution to this... Why not make a sub-catagory for Survey Discussions?