• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Think of a novel, unqualified part-time job


Apr 11, 2011
I've just quit my full-time job and I'm looking for something to do to keep money coming in while I study that isn't awful. I'm looking outside the usual grain of office jobs and call centre roles and pizza delivery. Things outside the box that don't need qualifications.

So far I've thought of:

- Ski resort
- Proofreading / editing / publishing industry
- Holiday retreat (some of them let you live on site which would be cool)
- Tourist sites or museums

What can you think of?
I had a kid 20 ish) come knock on my door the other day, selling something that "may save my life" He had a bucket with stencils, and a couple of spray cans and offered to paint my house number on the curb for $10, or, special deal, either side of the crossover for 15.... in this way, if I need to call an ambo, they would find my house, no worries, mate. (i am pretty sure he was tweaking)
However I paid him ten bucks, and he did the job. I see he did a few in my street that day I reckon about a hundred bucks worth in a few hours.
Wish I had of thought of it before him...
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A summer job in a park or historic site. I've done it, and it's so much fun that I plan on doing it again. I have a friend whose sole employment is pretty much just going from seasonal job to seasonal job throughout the U.S., usually at parks or resorts.
Hahaha! Truth be told I don't have the balls for sales, or door-to-door in general. But that's a pretty funny idea.

A national park job would be perfect, yes. I'll definitely be trying for that, I can imagine few entry-level roles better.
At your university? They are usually very flexible with your class schedule and pay pretty good. Is there anything you like to buy? I would work somewhere that I could get employee discount at. :p
I'm not sure how novel it is, but for unqualified part-time work.....it's hard to beat waiting tables and bartending. I did this all through undergrad and it's a great way to earn FT cash with PT hours.
Bartending can be a great job if you're good at it - you can make a lot!!! (It depends on many things, but it has a lot of potential)
What about working at a library?
Maybe a movie theatre? I guess you don't really want to work as a cashier or sales person at a store (department, clothes, book, etc.). Fast food is another common one. But a server at a higher end restaurant may be better. There is often room for advancement in those types of jobs too - like to supervisor.
During the summer, around here, there are tons of beaches and provincial parks.
You could check out any event-based businesses and see what kind of staff they need as well.
you can flip art and movie posters which needs little money to start up! I paid $350 for this print today and they are selling for anywhere btw $740 and a $1000. Not to mention they just went on sale today. Not bad for five seconds of work. I made close to 80K last year just on the side. I also buy and then sell iphones and air jordans as the only problem is that is fuels a mean drug habit for the last year. Here is a a ebay listing for the print in question. I got one but I wait till it ships to my house before I sell as the prints tend to go up in value over time. I've made a killing over the years with ebay and Christie's auction house...


you have to be quick as today's print sold out in five seconds! i was able to get one as well as my girl. I'll flip one and keep the other.
I've heard bartending pays great money, but I feel like I'd be hopeless at it. I don't know the first thing about alcohol and the drinking culture really annoys me. Also my course is distance education and it's not at a university, otherwise working for the uni would be perfect. I definitely would like to work at a library or bookstore, not optimistic about my chances though as it's a coveted position. I start looking on Wednesday (my current role doesn't finish until next week) and I just wrote up my resume; wish me luck!

SuperDope as I understand you buy things at retail price and resell them through eBay? You made EIGHTY GRAND out of that in a year? Jesus... Well if I'm in a rut in a few months' time I'll know what to do. O.O

Thanks for the suggestions everyone.
You could be a stripper.

No kidding. A friend of mine made good money doing it.
There are plenty of decent forums that offer freelance journalism gigs. The one I have in mind pays in bitcoin which is pretty superb.

If you had startup money you could always start some kind of nootropic supply company.

Lots of things abound assuming you're motivated and not too depressed to get into some of these things.

Good luck.