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Things that happen when you've been awake too long?


Sep 12, 2014
In the early hours of this morning I experienced some fucked up shit. Very high on meth, saw a fully gowned black figure shift across the room infront of me, and then back to disappear out the window. Was hearing people whistling too.

Before when i was awake 5 days (not advisable) on mephedrone and MDPV, I've heard people actually whispering my name in the wind. To the point I'm turning round looking for them, looking rather crazy in the process. I've never come across anything so crazy for the Shadow People as MDPV, or as real a trip the psychosis sends you on.

It made me think there is likely some comedy gold amongst my fellow EADD'ers here. Anyone got any good stories? Met the Shadow People tried to introduce yourself got sectioned talking to a lampost? I know Public//Enemy got sectioned on MDPV trying to take video footage of a ghost on the high street. He is not wise sober I guess but this made me laugh :D

Anyone got any good ones?
We already have this thread - the MDPV thread :p

Mine is basically variations on what you experienced this morning. Grim reapers/shadow people/sexual ghosts/hearing my da have sex with my girlfriend downstairs/Christopher Walken narrating my shower/being completely delusional and believing every woman in porn was my girlfriend. A bit of a theme there. Rocky relationship :D

For some reason, I took 1p-LSD after being awake a couple of days on 3fpm. I just don't remember starting to trip. I remember taking the 1p then I was came around sitting on my bed. I didn't know who I was, or the person who was with me :\
MDPV is for people who like the drugs full of insanity without much fun :p ;)

Yeah I've had the narator type effect before. That shit is creepy and annoying. Start feeling like your part of your own "Loosing the Plot" movie. And the narator knows where it ends, in fact - he's dictating it ;)
I get fucking boners out of no where after a certain time.

Tmi etc...
When I was going to sleep last night, sleep deprived, there were swirling patterns appearing in the pitch black. It was actually quite interesting, but definitely felt like shadow people territory, which made me glad to fall asleep. What you're describing sounds fairly like potential psychosis. Hallucinating on stimulants is rarely a positive thing, unless it's MDMA/MDA. Sleep more, and dose less, and see how you get on. :)
I was a heavy user of speed/base (thank fk that was before meth), went from my DOC to my daily fix, to my few times a day etc - I went crazy a few times but due to not stopping the paranoia and delusions and feeling like your part of the 'Truman Show' becomes pretty real. Funny at first when you can recognize the onset but when the line starts to get blurry it gets pretty scary the deeper (more days) your into it.

Shadow people are often a good sign you need sleep, but then there is the hidden messages in car number plates, the voices you overhear in crowds saying thats him /here he comes get ready, the people on tv looking at you just as your about to do a sneaky line etc. I've sat and taken apart lots of things wanting to know if there was a camera inside, I've even gone as far as throwing things out because I couldn't remember where they had come from.

Oh I had a relapse a few months ago... PV binge; and for the first time ever on stims, I actually lost the fucking plot.

Lack of sleep/stim psychosis. Basically I thought I had some sort of alien worm which was mechanical in nature, trapped/living up my arse. I could hear, and feel it. :sis:

In fact, it has never never left my anus... Nah; It was proper fucked up though. I needed talking down/knocking out with depressants... after trying to remove/shit it out for hours; locked in toilet. I also thought my mates were in cahoots with the alien worm thingy...

I'll add that to the list of fucking atrocious shit drugs/my actions have caused. I was doing what I used to do on PV binges... just only sleep when I passed out from tiredness. It's a shame it took something like this to happen for me to vow (properly this time) to never touch PV again/never go for a bender like that again on any stim.
Not really grim reapers or anything, but during the mephedrone days after a heavy weekend with little or no sleep I went to work on the Monday. Approaching 5pm I was eager to get home as you can imagine, but I ended up getting bulldozed into doing a back shift on top of my normal working day 8(. By 8pm I was utterly bushed and was convinced I was wearing gloves as I was typing, then I'd look down and I wasn't etc, also when walking through the factory in the dark the shadows seemed more menacing than usual.
I remember something telling me it was going to stick wires in me and torture me and shit when I was trying to get to sleep after a week or so of very little sleep and binge drinking. That sucked.
This is exactly the kind of shit that happens when you dont sleep. DO try to sleep every night, I have had so many MDPV / stim sleep deprivation nightmares I ended up in hospital more than once.


Get some sleep guys! It's all in the mind and you will be better off at least trying to sleep.
saw that movie in baker st on shrooms - had a very weird experience, inc a fire exit and a usherette
From what I can work out, when you're really sleep deprived, but high on stimulants, it's almost like you start to dream, yet you're still awake and that's why people lose their minds. Your brain is going to try and get REM sleep, no matter what you're on. Sort of like sleep paralysis, but the opposite way around...