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The ultra mega Super Clean, Stain Removed, Awesome Smelling LAUNDRY THREAD


Bluelight Crew
Dec 18, 2003
So since Im a lame stay at home mom nowadays and spend a ton of time doin domestic shit a big part of that is laundry. Especially little 3 year old person really dirty laundry. So ive had to figure out a lot of tricks for getting out stains and what detergents and products work best and just shit like that. You might even say I have turned into a Laundry Aficionado. Actually, its kind of relaxing, after a day of cleaning shit that just gets dirty again, to at least have turned a pile of filthy stinky toddler clothes, into a pile of nice clean clothes to fold. Its a lil weird but I honestly kind of like doing laundry and I enjoy the challenge of getting out really bad stains, etc. God, I sound so fucken lame.
damn, years ago I was posting about the best dope rush possible and now its all about how to get the most fresh awesome laundry possible. :|

But anyways,I searched but didnt find any threads in here but I know that the stuff i learned by my own trial and error, it woulda been nice for someone to just tell me about. So how bout it yall...the mega Laundry Thread , where you can suggest things, ask questions, and give tips/tricks or learn them from others, on how to have the cleanest, freshest clothes and be a Laundry Boss. lol. I know a lot of people here will be totally uninterested, but I figured theres enough moms and dads and srs laundry doers on here to make it a helpful useful thread. If you just toss all your clothes, red, black, white, whatever, really stained and greased up all into one load, dont even bother to pre treat the stains, and just toss a Tide Pod in there, and you find the results of that to be totally good enough for you, then well you prolly aint gonna find much interesting in here. unless of course youre lookin to step up your laundry game. but if you are someone who does the wash for your whole family, can get any stain out, wants to make your clothes smell fantastic, wants to share ur tips for doing it and learn some from other people, then this is the place for you, yo.


*whats your favorite detergent? Fabric softener? Stain remover product?
*What detergent/softener/dryer sheets combo makes your clothes smell so fuckin' fresh and clean and good that you just want to jizz all over your washing machine? Jk, Jk guys. But really tho.
*What do you use to get out really shitty stubborn grease stains? Makeup stains? Blood stains? Food stains? etc?
*How do you get your whites supa-dupa blindingly white as the driven snow?
*What is a good laundry trick youve learned thats really not very commonly known? Any non-laundry products that youve learned work really good to help get stains out?
*What product would you give a Total Fuckin Thumbs Up for kicking all around ass and recommend? and so on.

I wont bore you by posting all my mad laundry knowledges all at once, I srsly got a ton of shit I could share, but Ima wait til I find out if anyones actually interested in hearin it before I start rambling about Gain and shit.
oh how times have changed... hahahaha

I use the cheap ass giant tub of powder from BJ's, and the fabric softener sheets in the dryer... I've never been particular about my laundry though.
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i actually prefer non scented/fragrance free detergent, softner, dryer sheets for a couple reasons...

1) if im doing a load of clothes i wear when i work out, i don't like the smell when im sweaty and running. i find it cloying. i haven't had a problem with the odor (b.o.) anyways.

2) i wear perfume everyday. the laundry scents are always something "fresh" like springtime sunshine or something u know? smells like a light aromatic floral scent and i don't want that to clash with the scent of my perfume.

if i get a stain, i'll hand wash the spot gently with just some soap/water and blow dry it if it doesn't need washing, or if it does just do that before tossing it in the washer.

brand doesn't matter, whatever is fragrance free and supposedly for "sensitive skin" and cheap.
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i presoak anything that has a bad stain. or sometimes use one of those like laundry pen things?

as for detergent i use that hippy 7th generation organic scent free stuff. i don't like smells and my skin is really sensitive. i only use softener (also 7th generation) in the summertime when i use the line instead of the dryer. ever taken jeans off the line with no softener? basically rocks. pander and i both work in a kitchen so when i wash work clothes i add in some baking soda. kills it.
i feel like i dirty everything i touch when i'm in withdrawal. its just got that extra oomph of BO that is like pure nastiness. I go with whatever detergent is cheapest usually so i can spend the money on more druuuugz

oh, as a seasoned junkie, i KNOW that it once you get blood on your clothes, you gotta get that shit in water immediatly if you don't want it to stain
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Me and my girl only have access to one washer and two dryers in my apartment building with 12 apartments, so it takes forever doing one load at a time. We have no kids, but my girlfriend is like a hoarder with clothes, and even if she gets rid of 3/4 of her shit by donating it or giving it away...within a year, she'll end up with more shit than we can even deal with again!

I washed everything the other day at a laundromat that has giant machines that do 10 loads, and it cost me $40 to wash and dry everything I brought in....I just throw everything together when it's that much shit....I got lazy and didn't fold half of it, and those clothes are wrinkled to shit! I feel guilty about being so lazy though.….
well even tho nobody seems to share m passion lol ill share some tips ive learned that really helped me step up my laundry game lol

LAUNDRY PROBLEM: firsst up is neutralizing hard water. (water with tons of naturally occuring minerals. if u let a pot of water boil down to nothing and theres white film u got hard water. ) hard water has iron lime magnesuim etc in it that make it suds up less and not wash stuff as good. i never knew it had any effect on laundry but turns out it makes a huge difference so if u can soften ur water it will get ur laundry a lot cleaner nd fresher smelling and way softer even without fabric softener. so ima kick a lil hard water science to yall here lol :)

apparently hard water minerals can bind to the dirt molecules in ur clothes. so instead of cleaner clothes u just get ones with dirt AND mineral buildup in the fibers which also can cause detergent to not rinse out right. u get left with stiff faded looking not really clean smelling clothes.

THE SOLUTION: u can fix this without having to get a whole house water softener system. all u gotta do is add a water softening product like Calgon to ur detergent but its like 5 bucks for 16 loads which can add up quick but it really does work amazing and leave ur clothes much softer. but theres so another cheaper option which brings me to my next tip which is prob my number one recomemendation to try. . .

KICK ASS LAUNDRY PRODUCT RECOMMENDATION: one of my favorite laundry products is some grandma style old fashioned shit. its called WASHING SODA . not the same as baking soda but it is made by arm nd hammer too. it is a all around awesome helper. u add a half cup to ur wash and holy shit its great. first off it softens water so that alone automatically helps make ur clothes wash better. but its basically like baking soda formulated for laundry so it makes ur shit super fresh and boosts the detergent performance. up to 40% according to the box. i ve found it also really helps to brighten whites when u use it along with ur usual bleach. washing soda kicks ass and its three bucks for a almost 4lb box. its a cheap mad useful and also eco friendly product for yall hippies who only wash ur clothes with rocks and recycled bathwater lol. jk. but i use it in every load but its especially great for stank ass smelly loads . it really gets out musty odors, smoke, b.o. , food smells etc way better than detergent alone.

SUPER STAIN REMOVAL TIP: i found out that powdered dishwasher detergent is a mean ass grease stain remover and works great on other stains too. it works especially good on sweat stains and greasy stains that are set in and hav already been dried and are old. just today i tok a old ass white tee. it was all yellowish and had stains on it and gross sweat and deodorant stains in the armpits. i popped open one of those Cascade dishwasher pod things and used the powder wetting the shirt nd rubbing it into the stains and let it sit for awhile .

i rinsed that bitch out and the pit stins were gone like magic. i think the strong enzymes meant to dissolve food that they use in dish detergent helps to dissolve and loosen stains in fabric.

after the spot stain treatment i took a bucket and filled it with HOT HOT HOT water and then used my top secret . . .

--1 cup of powdered dishwasher detergent(i like cascade)
--1 cup of detergent (not the kind with added softener of febreeze or w.ever. just straight up original tide,etc.)
--1 cup of bleach
--1/2 cup of Borax (another oldschool laundry item, ull find it near to the washing soda on store shelfs and its full name is 20 Mule Team Borax)

mix the powders first and add just enough hot water for it to dissolve. once its dissolved add the detergent and bleach. mix it together good. then u add just enough super hot water to cover whatever items ull be soaking and stir it up making sure its saturated the clothes. then let it soak overnight. in the morning rinse and put thru the wash with a cup of washing soda and ur usual amount of detergent and u will be amazed at how kick ass it is at getting out old gross yellowed stains and etc. im tellin ya i was amaed the first time i tried this. its the only thing that really gets out those old human based grease and oil and sweat stains that u find on pullow covers matyress pads old white tees and undershirts and etc, IME

sadly i hav even more to say on this subject lol buy ima give it a break for now and post more later so my post aint even longer than it already is. Try out my tips n lemme kno how they work for u :)

So, Last night I stain treated and washed a white hoodie that had stains racked up from the past 2 yrs on it. There was that gross gray brownish thing that u get on the zipper area of hoodies from ur dirty hands constantly touching it if u dont ever wash them (the hoodie or the hands lol), there was general dingyness and grayness, stains on the ends of the sleeves, and stains all over in general. greasy ones, dirt ones, whatever. This wasnt my hoodie btw i washed it for someone else. The shit was a mess. The person who did the washing of the hoodie before me just threw it in cold water with some detergent and then dried it , over, and over, and over, for the past few years, drying and setting the stains in and generally doing nothing to actually get that shit clean.

Well I pretreated it and let it sit for a few hours and then did it in the washing machine and that bitch came out almost like new. If i had the chance to use bleach and soak it overnight I guarantee it woulda been white as the driven snow.

In case anyone gives half a fuck, heres how I did it:

(definitely some overkill here, but it did the job when nothing else got the stains out.)

First thing I did was use RESOLVE ALL-STAINS stain remover.

I gotta say the shit is pretty fuckin pro. Its the best single go to stain remove product I use. Ill always use it first to try and get stains out before going to other options bc it gets almost anything out, only needs help with grease and on whites usually. So theres a lil mini recommendation for a great stain product. It has enzyme based and oxy based stain removers, u use each one depending on the type of stain or use together for really bad ones and it does a great job.

After covering all the stains with that (not the general dingy grimeyness that covered the whole hoodie but just the particular stained areas) I took Clorox 2 stain fighter and color booster (basically supercharged colorsafe bleach)

and rubbed it into the noticeable stains, (the zipper area, the cuffs, the band that goes around the bottom of the hoodie whatever u call that.)

Then I took one of my secret weapon tricks that I use and love. I like to get a bag of Cascade Action Pacs with Dawn (I like the ones with 'extra bleach action' for whites but also use the regular ones for grease stains on colors, etc.)

(yea i talked about the box of powder soap before, but the pods are like the nitrous laced version). I use these by cuttin em open to get the powder out then squeeze the little bit of liquid thats in the pod thing into the powder and mix it up. These things are like super concentrated and loaded with kick ass grease and stain killer. I take the powder from that, and then some POWDERED Tide with Bleach

and mix it together. That home made powder mix, when u take it and rub it into a wettened stain and let it sit to pretreat for a whole, I swear, can remove just about any stain on a white clothing.

So I wet any spot that I want to remove and then rub the powder into it until its ground into the stain. EIther that or if the stains are mad old and really shitty and baked in, then I make a paste out of the Cascade pod/Tide with bleach powder mix and a stain remover liquid like Biz or Clorox 2 (I used Biz) which is what I did yesterday. so I rubbed that into all the really bad stained areas , but u gotta rub it in on some hardcore shit and make sure its really in there.

After I let that sit and eat away at the grime for 3-4 hours, I took it and put it in the washer. I put it on HOT (and my hot water is like hot enough to burn u, which is what u want for this) and added a half cup of washing soda, half cup of borax,

and half cup of regular cascade powder.

This hoodie couldnt be bleached so I didnt put bleach in. I let it run until it was filled and the soap and water and powders were all dissolved and mixed together and soaking into the clothes. I added some Tide Then I paused the cycle so that it would soak in the hot water and borax/wash soda/cascade/detergent mix . I let that sit for like an hour and then restarted the cycle and let it run thru.

When I took it out of the washer and put it in the dryer it looked like the past 2 years of grime and general unknown gray filmy dirt layer that covered the whole thing and the grease stains and dirt and everything had just been totally erased. If i had time to spot treat it with bleach and then rinse in the sink, i could have got every single last spot out but there was just a little bit of yellowing at the ends of the cuffs that hadnt came out 100%. That was it tho.

TL;DR: Listen, I know this shit bores the fuck outta most of yall, but on some real shit, one day, youre gonna fuck up your favorite shirt or some bullshit like that, with some ridiculous-ass stain that you tried Shout and wtfever already and put it thru the wash and it didnt come out. And then youre gonna read this thread and see the shit I wrote and be like ok, wow thank god for this unnecessarily intense laundry-doing thread that tells me a bunch of ways to get out really bad stains that are generally not commonly known and I would of never known if I didnt see it posted here. So Im just gonna bank on that.

I wish Vibby was in here, I bet shed hop on the stain removal train with me. lol
Can someone tell me the best way to get some dried blood and skull fragments out of the carpet?