The truth about Holland

Very,very cool. I am one of those people who thinks that the almighty USofA, isn't so almighty. We are no better, in fact maybe worse off as a country, than any other 1st world country. I lived in Germany for 2 years and I can't praise the way they run their country over there enough. I think Germany is a much better place to live and heres why: #1-Stress levels much lower than here, EXAMPLE: ask a German what road rage is. Answer: "Road Rage? What is road rage?"
EXAMPLE: They don't have to stress about getting medical help, the government provides it for EVERYONE.
#2-Highways are better and way more efficient. EXAMPLE: Autobahns last much longer cuz they are built by the government w/ the tax-payers (not exactly sure whos money is paying for the roads) money. So there is no private contracting going on, which leads to shady construction short-cuts, which in turn leads to the road ways crumbling away and the private contracting goes on again. I think we all know the quality of a lot of our highway systems really suck.
#3-Much stricter littering laws which leads to a much cleaner environment. EXAMPLE: You would be lucky to see a peice of paper floating around on the autobahns. Cities on the other hand are not AS clean but relatively much cleaner than cities in the US.
#4-Much stricter drunk driving laws which lead to less drunk driving related
. EXAMPLE: If you are caught once driving under the influence your license is suspended for a year. Twice and its like 5 years I believe, and if I am not mistaken a third strike and ur out for good!!!
#5-Much slower paced lifestyle in Germany. EXAMPLE: Most stores, supermarkets, and things of that nature are not open past 6pm. This obviously slows things down considerably. Or speeds things up for only part of the day, depending on how you look at it. Also allows more time for employees to be with their families and friends too.
#6-People seem to be more down to earth as compared to the glamorized united states. EXAMPLE: This one is simple. NO HOLLYWOOD!!!LOL
No one cares about this star and that star and how people are dressing, or what the latest trend is, or what label this person is or that person is. Everyone just gets along and minds there own business for the most part.
7#-The rave scene over there rips the US's to shreds, I mean really little shreds. EXAMPLE: Parties are in a much less facist environment. For the most part they will pat you down when you walk in and after that it is pretty free. As always tho u must use your common sense. EXAMPLE: True PLUR is prevalant w/ a much higher % of ravers there than it is here. An example of that would be: I was a baby to the scene in 1994. I was in the military and I was only 19. I knew nothing about Germany, nothing about raving, and nothing about much of anything. The first REAL club I went to w/ a girl I knew (Sandra was her name). There I met two of her friends (micheal and thomas). Micheal and Tom took me under there wing (I mean food, shelter, the whole 9 yards) for the next 5 or 6 months and took me out raving and clubbing, and taught me a lot of stuff about everything. As time went by, I had like 50 or 60 freinds that I thought of more than aquaintances. We all would meet up at the club and go to afterhours and just hang out all weekend. And many of them that lived close by, I hung out w/ everyday of the week pretty much.
Well, I have gone on way to long w/ this speil. I dunno, but I just cant see why people are sooo high on America, the rich get richer the, poor get poorer, and the middle class complains and I still want to eventually go back to Germany to live as a civilian for ever, if not 4 or 5 yrs er something. I loved it there and I didn't know how good it was until I came back to the hell hole that is the USA. But, I do have a lot of things to be thankful for. All my new friends I have met since moving back, I wouldn't trade them for all the money in the world. I got to experience the US rave scene as well as the German....BTW US rave scene is not impressive at all....sorry. Don't get me wrong tho, the US is definitely not even close to the worst place to live on the earth, not even close. I guess I just analyze it way to much....but whatever....oh yeah, once again dont ask me why I posted this here, cuz I have no idea

[This message has been edited by Thestepper69 (edited 08 January 2000).]
I have only one problem about those stats, and that is that the US is (and I dont know the statistics) way larger in pop. than the netherlands, like by at least 10 to 20 times larger, so when you do stats that way a smaller amount of pop will result in smaller stats. Not to say the stats are not acurate but they are a tad misleading.
Peace....RuRu ......Just my .02.
Actually because the stats are given in percentages or number per 100,000 it does not matter that the size of the populations are different. The figures show that the Netherlands has a lower percentage of drug use than the us, while spending much less per person on drug related law enforcement. Kinda makes you think doesnt it?
The stats are not misleading..
I can see what you are thinking, that because the US is bigger it will have more addicts etc. than the Netherlands..
Thats why the statistics are in PERCENTAGES and why they are measured as xxx in 100,000.
For example if you took 100,000 americans & 100,000 Dutch. Statistically you would have
160 Dutch Heroin Addicts and 430 US Heroin Addicts.
Whats funniest about this is that the UK seems to have higher cannabis usage then the Netherlands where is is pseudo-legal.