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The Stand - Stephen King

Intrinsic man

Sep 22, 2011
As is tradition, I am reading yet another extravagantly profuse King novel entitled "The Stand". I'm sure most of you have heard of it as well as read it, so I would like to hear some opinions! Please don't spoil anything for me as I am only 400 pages in (1200 total - I'm reading the "complete and uncut edition").

As of right now I am patiently waiting to hear what is to become of the character Jesse. The reason being my name is also Jesse AND I am also 20 years old, which is of course the character in questions age as well. I sure hope he kills me as gaudy and awesomely as possible :)

P.s - ForEverAfter, I have also begun to read "Haunted" and I have almost completed "On Writing". Both were wonderful suggestions!
oh my, the Stand is one of my all-time favorite Stephen King novels! it's a post-apocalyptic masterpiece, with some Biblical references thrown in with great finesse

this novel is very important because it establishes Randall Flagg aka the Walking Man aka the Man in Black - as a prevalent, intimidating villain that can be constantly found in many other works by King. the Stand was great because it really fleshes out Good VS Evil, and it really fleshes out Randall Flagg and what makes him tick. Randall Flagg is awesome!!


when you're done with the Stand, I do recommend perhaps checking out the TV mini-series that was done in the 1990s. for television, it's quite good and holds up to this day
I have read many of Kings novels, but have never seen Randall Flagg in any of them (other than The Stand of course). By "many" I mean 6-7 so I still have a lot more reading to do. What other novels does he make an appearance?

Yes! I am VERY excited to watch the miniseries. When I was a little kid I remember staying home from school sick and watching it; fortunately I don't remember it very well! However, I do remember enjoying it thoroughly. Thankfully it's on Netflix so it's just a matter of me finishing the book!
I started reading Stephen King novel's in first grade. The first book I read was the "IT" and of course I could read it but I didn't understand some things that took place in the book. However now I can go OH, that's what that meant... Other than that have always loved Stephen King and The Stand was a book I could not put down. Thanks mom for leaving his books around the house :) You should also really read "Desperation" if you haven't read it already. It's my all time favorite Stephen King book! Yeah sound like a nerd/geek but I always have loved reading.
I love the miniseries, though most of the King fans I know despise it, apparently for no better reason than that it wasn't graphic enough. The Stand was my favorite King novel for a long time, but it's since been passed up by Misery and Pet Sematary; still a great book, though. The character of Glen Bateman inspired me to take a sociology course; no kidding. :) In case you're interested, there's also a comics series of it out ATM.

Yeah man, The Stand was a good read. Jesse is like the 'Rick Springfield' of the book, it cracks me up. (btw, It's good to be 20, man, enjoy your next decade.) Flagg is a fucked up, strange motherfucking demon, I'll say that. The deaf boy and his soft-minded friend are a good couple of characters too.

Many folks say that this masterpiece of post-apocalyptia was too long, but I found that it moved quite smoothly. Btw, I believe that Randall Flagg was mentioned in either 'The Talisman' (written by King w/Peter Straub) or 'Black House' (seq. to 'The Talisman'), but I can't recall exactly. The Dark Tower series (which I have read on and off, just can't get into it for some damn reason) has Flagg as a main character as well.

After The Stand, check out: Bag Of Bones (do NOT watch the miniseries); Pet Sematary; Different Seasons; The Bachman Books...

peace bro, and all the other King fans here... !! ---Nicholas Dufresne---