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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Television The Stand (1994)

From memory this was a pretty awesome flick, I really liked the idea of waking up one day and being the only ones left on the planet (don't ask me why, maybe I'm just insane)!
I hear ya on that one; it's actually a kind of fantasy of mine, fucked up as that sounds.
I love the book, and count me in as a fan of the miniseries, as well. I've rarely seen a criticism of it more substantial than "not enough blood and cussing"; save that noise for the adaptation of "It".
My personal opinion on the DT book series was it was one of the most amazing works I have ever read.. that being said I feel it came to somewhat of an anti climax.. just through all those amazing pages, pages that weren't filled with portions of just coke stream bullshit like some of his earlier works.. weren't there hundreds of pages of the best character development, character development like in the stand that has really no rival, ever... and then we have the plot build to an place that makes us quiver... so i guess what I'm trying to say is that King was one of the best starting pitchers ever.. and yeah he threw more than a few complete games.. stand by me and a handful more than that.. but IMO he had a hard time closing.. I think think the final trippy dreamlike ending to the gunslinger series was one of the biggest disappointments I have read.. but then again if all the rest wasn't so unbelievably good I would never even have been let down at the very end.. its just like it was so damn good it was impossible to finish well.

On this series and more over on Stephen King stuff presented on the screen.. I think that he has never had the effort like Tolkien had put forth.. yeah there are amazing films.. Carrie, again with stand by me, and others. but I still say hold the faith cause someone who matches his talent in writing on the screen will hopefully pick up the stand and the gunslinger series as their life works.. with all the shit movies I have seen lately i have no idea why someone hasn't already.

I would love to see Quentin Tarantino do Stephen King<3

edit: so pathetic, that I role such a review with this absolutely pathetic writing, but its true imo..
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I personally loved the ending to DT myself, IMO it's the one time he really nailed a good ending, but yeah, you're right. Then again, he did once write that his least favourite part of the story is the ending, in fact I've lost count of the amount of good books I've not quite finished. "It's not the destination, it's the journey" -cliched yeah, but true IMHO.
I just finished re-reading the book. perhaps my favorite book of all-time?

I remember when I was younger my favorite book list would read off so pretentious - what could a 16 year old really have in common with Upton Sinclair's the Jungle LOL?

but nowadays I really just want to be entertained, and that is why Stephen King is my favorite author

the main differences in the book to the movie that I saw, I think were still covered here before. I think Lloyd was a great character, and a bit tragic, one I could relate to a lot. I like how King made sure that RF's camp wasn't necessarily evil, just swayed to evil

also Larry Underwood is my all-time favorite literary character - kinda the Bruce Springsteen of the Dark Tower universe, maybe? sigh, you and me Larry, we got a lot in common (still trying to fix those flaws)

I would love to see Quentin Tarantino do Stephen King<3

mind = blown
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My personal favourite in the stand was Lloyd henreid, not forgetting of course the Dark Man himself, possibly the greatest villain of all time IMHO. I love the way he crops up in the DT series too.

My dream was for a proper sequel; the ending of the original easily would make one more than possible, and a great one at that. (Imagine a showdown between boulders technologically advanced society and Flaggs third world one; totally a parallel between most modern conflicts ie Afghanistan, Iraq). I've heard Under the Dome described as a spiritual sequel, it was a decent read, but the stand it ain't. Oh yeah, I'm also loving the Bachman Books, particularly the Long Walk and Running Man.
^ thats it.. i figured out what present I will give to myself this holiday season.. Im going to reread The Stand. Trashcan man here I come...
Re-reading the stand is always a good idea. I might just dip into again myself once ive finished with my current crop of books (highlight: the Kindly Ones, Jonathan little).
I thought Ben Afleck was doing a remake of the movie. I cant find anything up to date on it through Google. I cannot imagine getting the whole story out in one movie. A trilogy would be needed at least to cover that amazing book. Baby can you dig your man?

The mini series just didnt cut it. A huge production is needed.

Its Kings best IMO but I am not a big King fan.
I'm also loving the Bachman Books, particularly the Long Walk and Running Man.

haha holy shit, I literally just finished reading The Running Man. such a great, gritty, grisly novel that obviously has influenced such current pop culture crazes like the Hunger Games books/movies

I thought Ben Afleck was doing a remake of the movie. I cant find anything up to date on it through Google. I cannot imagine getting the whole story out in one movie. A trilogy would be needed at least to cover that amazing book. Baby can you dig your man?

yeah, the Stand has been cropping up in the news a lot lately. I heard Ben Affleck was attached to the movie for a bit, then ducked out, and then some other director guy was attached, and then dropped out...

so basically the Stand re-make is in development Hell - go figure!

anyways, if ya'll are comic book reading fellas like myself, then I do recommend picking up Marvel Comics version of the Stand. it truly does the source material very well - it really fleshes out the Walkin' Dude and Lloyd Henreid, among others

anyways, I'm pretty pumped that this thread has been as popular as it even is =D
I am not a comic book fan but really want to check out The Stand version. Thanks Axl, Ill be on the lookout as soon as I have 35 cents in my pocket. Comics are still 35 cents right?
I used to buy MAD Magazine for 35 cents in the late 70s I believe. Sometimes it sucks getting old, sometimes you feel like you have a little knowledge.
yeah I feel ya on that one, old-timer ;)

I am currently reading Stephen King's the Cell. click that link if you want to hit up a completely free link to that aforementioned novel (and many others are available on that site, like the Stand!)

the Cell is also great post-apocalyptic fiction - set in a world where everybody who had a cell phone on them turns into zombie-like "phone crazies"! quite a good read
Oh yeah, almost completely forgot about that one! Brilliant read that. Right now I'm reading Kings 11.22.63. It's a time travel novel; the protagonist can travel to the fifties and back in an attempt to stop the Kennedy assasination - plenty to love here for "It" fans. A really good read.

Edit: just got the new king novel, Joyland. Small page count for a king, haven't started it yet though.

Anybody read one of his short stories set in the Stand universe? (I'm not referring to wizard and Glass here), I've been trying to read the damn thing forever, but don't even know the title.
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