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The Past and Inner/Outer Peace


Jul 26, 2015
Does anyone feel like the ONLY problem in your life is that you truly don't know yourself? Or that you aren't at peace with yourself? I do. I feel like once I find true inner peace, everything will fall into place. I believe this more than anything. If the internal is right, the external also is. I know this from first-hand experience. Right now, I am not exactly where I want to be spiritually or emotionally. I yearn for the day when I will truly love myself so I can spread it to the ones I love and make a positive impact on everyone around me.

I've done a lot of selfish, careless things in my life. I hope I haven't pushed myself to the point to where I can't be that content, peaceful man I long to be. I know my past is something I shouldn't dwell on, but it's hard not to when I've done the things I've done.

How do you all deal with the past? Especially when it's shrouded in such a cloud of negativity and regret?
I would say it comes down to perspective.

You were selfish and careless in the past, and perhaps now your not. But at some point in life you expressed that part of yourself, to reject it now would be a rejection of who you are. There's a lot of work on this subject and accepting ones 'shadow self' - coming into contact with these shadow aspects creates a lot of disharmony because essentially everything is a reflection of yourself. The qualities in others you consider abhorrent or negative are qualities within yourself you have rejected as a part of yourself.

For me personally the biggest obstacle with overcoming and transforming your past through acceptance and embrace is people from that past, friends, family or other who exist solely to remind you of who you were at that point in time. They serve as the last opposition needed to remind you as an external force of these qualities within you, it's your task to understand this, move on and continue without becoming caught up in opposition to them.
^ That all makes a lot of sense. Thanks for taking your time to post your advice. I will meditate on some of the things you've said and see what comes of it.
I know the feeling of not being at peace with oneself and I think its pretty much common among many people too.

The only time I've felt inner peace was when I went out with the girl I had a crush on. It may sound stupid but its the only time I've felt pure inner peace, I didn't care about anything else because the most important person in the world was in front of me.
^Did you feel that peace because you were with the girl you had a crush on? Or was it because you allowed yourself to feel peace because you were finally with her? My guess is the latter. :)
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She wasn't my girlfriend, I was able to go out with her some nights and it was undoubtedly the most profound inner peace I've ever experienced unfortunately though I didn't express explicitly my feelings towards her and a 2 months later it was already too late…I still miss her every single day.

However I also believe that relying on an another person to obtain inner peace is wrong, it is inevitable that it will end badly. One must achieve inner peace entirely by himself.
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There's no self, so trying to understand it is pretty pointless. One minute self is there, as a concept, with whatever constellation of attributes you ascribe to it, and then identify with it. But the next minute, self is gone. It's transient. So trying to figure out self is like trying to hit a moving target, or a disappearing one, or a ghost. It's not even real.

Beyond that, trying is the root of suffering. The idea that you're in control, that there is a 'you' taking place, and that it has anything to do with what arises and dissolves in any given moment. There is no you doing anything. You've never done anything wrong, but you've never done anything right either. "You've" never done anything. This all takes place in the absence of a you.

Right now is as good as it gets. There's no past or future, there's only right now. This is your enlightened life, right this second. You could be peaceful now and depressed in a half hour from now. It's all just the One doing its thing, without separation.

Enlightenment doesn't mean the end of suffering, or the reign of eternal peace. It means the end of trying. You relax into the suffering, in a sense. But saying that you need to achieve inner peace and once you 'get there' (wherever 'there' is), things will be better, is trying. This isn't a mind thing, realizing the truth is like a body thing.

It's hopeless and meaningless. You're totally fucked. Welcome to freedom.
First off let me say I do believe in afterlife. I'll get back to that in a minute. Here; on this earth, we don't really know what each other's motive are. Bad people and good people look the same. For example, so people got to church because they think that they raise theier eputation. Other's go because they think that's what gets them into heaven, no matter how they act outside of church. Others go simply for the sake of their loved ones. Others go simply becuase they truly love God at heart and waht a relationshhio with him. Other's may go bc they are running for office in a small town and that's what gets them votesl

Now, most of the motives are different, and mostly selfish. So while goodand selfhish ppl look the same to us, we have no way of knwoing someones hearts and thorughts.

Going back to your past. We all have a past. And much of it is horrible. But Hearing you say that means you learned from it. So mistakes are made to learn.. If you never made mistake, you never grow. And then most of of us reach a time in our life where we are sow low that is when we turn to spirituality And stat asking th big questions. As the bible said, "noting done in the dark will be hidden from the light. and no whisperer will be shouted from the rooftops". I believe when we pass on, we, along with an audience will uncover not only what we did, but what we were thinking when we did it. So all those selfish motives will come out. That is the privilege (if you want to call it that) OF BEING HERE ON EARTH). I truly believe we loss that way in the afterlife. What we think is for all to SO threre's no wondering who's being sincere and who isn't. So right now Im working on making my inner left match my outer self because I don't want to have to work on it after this life. I do believe n a hello but not of fire and brimstone of of people who put themselves there because they saw themselves as they truly were and can't fathom being with the simple and sincere at heart. So they find the community that they relate to. so In a way, I do understand what yo are saying....true inner peace is when your outward nature matches your inward nature. And that's tough to do on Earth when you're taught to act one way but your heart wants to do another I hope I made sense.

We are ll in this together. Im 39 and still havent found myself. But I have a very strong feeling that life s putting me in stiutaitons that that I cannot miss my purpose Alls happened when Istarted to bring my innter self closer to my outer self. And let me tell you, we are so strungup on our ourter selves (our ego) that it isa JOB to figure out who we are inside truly. but work on it--and Im tell you--there's whee you will find your peace :)\\\

And trust me, I have a past that I would say I deserve NO happiness for the rest of eternity---but thta's not truel You EITHER. None of us deserve anything great. It's the actions we take to noticfe where we went wrong and we do do to change that's going to dountl