⭐️ Social ⭐️ The mechanics behind having developed musculature and being sexually appealing: (?)

^^ Could be, but I'd like to believe there's more scientific complexity underpinning the process.

Back for my first session in a month today.

Side anecdote, the membership manager wanted to retroactively bill me for the last month I'd missed, but the automatic membership system initiated my payments from today.


Thus far, feel awesome.

Theory is it's kick started my entire physiological electricity, extrapolating from neurons, to muscle cells.

I danced my way home, simply cause I felt so good, presumably after the muscular activation.

The last few attempts I'd made at working out, I had to hit the paracetamol pretty hard to deal with post-tension headaches etc., so without turning this into another blog, I do intend to update how recovery etc works out (as a function of cognitive state/modification in contrast to the former time period).
I think a large part of it is how how physiques cause us to view ourselves. When I was a scrawny self absorbed fuck, I got loads of female attention. Having now been "above average" musculature for the better part of a decade, I've had ups and downs mentally about how I see myself. Typically when I'm "feeling myself" I get more attention because of the confidence I have in myself.