💥 Contest 💥 The Greatest Classic Rock Artist

^^^^^i feel like some of the choices are totally random like i said in the beginning of the thread. it doesn't appear much to always be bands that came around about the same time and similar genres like most people would choose to pick between, like i would think to compare the beatles with the kinks and definitely not eddie money like i said. This stuff in the poll seems to be blantantly one way or the other or i'd think that some of them are similar type choices... i feel like these choices would be good for a dating service if they used some other tests too, especially if a computer were set up like how some tests allow you the choices of feeling stronger than others about the choice. i know there isn't really a way to set that up on blue lights technology, but some new dating site should buy this from you guys. lol... if you pick my choices and have a similar outlook, you must be an extremely emotional person. HAH.

i'd actually really be interested in the government setting up tests like this and forcing people to listen to all the different genres of music to see people's opinions. lol. take pictures of everyone and give their results and put it on one giant data base. crazy. you could actually make the tests more and more intricate and link people together better and better as different surveys go on... amazing how that they actually have the technology where they could set up a system like that.

i'm not really too sure that musical preference is good to link friends together or for dating services 100%, but it's pretty interesting. for a dating service there'd obviously be other tests... but the government data base i'd like to set up would be strictly everyone's music reviews.
Some of these comparisons aren't even close, seriously The Rolling Stones vs Reo Speed wagon, led Zeppelin vs The Moody Blues, I could go on but why don't you have someone who knows classic rock make the choices harder. Allman bros vs Bob Seger. Bob Seger rules! Loverboy ain't even good enough to be 80's corporate suck rock. Rod Stewart made disco music. No offense but you both have a bizarre list of great bands and shit. Where is Guns n Roses? They formed almost 40 years ago? Where the hell is Black Sabbath?
Steely Dan but no Janis Joplin? Supertramp? Where is Chuck Berry?
Steely Dan is named after a dildo in the book, Naked Lunch
Yea where is Johnny Cash?
It's no surprise you're here complaining about it. The bracket sets up good matchups in the later rounds, this is just the first round. Also this is not something I personally made, and this is the first time I'm running a matchup bracket here regarding musical artists or anything of this nature. The rest of it I'm not even going to bother responding to. Believe it or not, even if I didn't make the list myself, it takes time to put something like this together and try to do something different for the forum that might be fun.

You could always just participate in it? Or don't if you don't like it, and go about your day. I'm not sure why you feel the need to constantly interject and complain, about every single thing that happens here. It's super off putting for everyone here.
missing the desert for the joshua tree

edit: glad u2 was left out
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It's no surprise you're here complaining about it. The bracket sets up good matchups in the later rounds, this is just the first round. Also this is not something I personally made, and this is the first time I'm running a matchup bracket here regarding musical artists or anything of this nature. The rest of it I'm not even going to bother responding to. Believe it or not, even if I didn't make the list myself, it takes time to put something like this together and try to do something different for the forum that might be fun.

You could always just participate in it? Or don't if you don't like it, and go about your day. I'm not sure why you feel the need to constantly interject and complain, about every single thing that happens here. It's super off putting for everyone here.
The reason I bitched was because you had a rap beef thread, and then the classic rock one? Besides people take things too seriously, that aren't really serious. Actually I found it amusing because you showed Johnny Cash but didn't include him?
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As he said this was a premade bracket made by a rock station in Detroit.
In this first round, the highest seeds are paired with the lowest, like in other bracket style tournaments

I think we wanted to gauge how much interest there was in this type of thing, and how many would participate. I think we all recognize this isn't a perfect selection of bands. But try to just enjoy it for what it is.

Now that we know there is interest we can do more of these in the future. I'm willing to help out with the selection of bands and such to make sure there is more/better representation.

I enjoyed these picks though tbh. For example, I never in a million years would've tried to compare Queen with John Mellencamp. They are so different I had to really evaluate what factors I should be considering and why, and what things were the most important to me. It's more of a thought experiment than anything I think.
@Jnowhere ok, got that wrong.
but take it as an experiment. because that should have been clear, given the selection. and @mal3volent confirmed it, sort of.
so why not have some fun with it?
As he said this was a premade bracket made by a rock station in Detroit.
In this first round, the highest seeds are paired with the lowest, like in other bracket style tournaments

I think we wanted to gauge how much interest there was in this type of thing, and how many would participate. I think we all recognize this isn't a perfect selection of bands. But try to just enjoy it for what it is.

Now that we know there is interest we can do more of these in the future. I'm willing to help out with the selection of bands and such to make sure there is more/better representation.

I enjoyed these picks though tbh. For example, I never in a million years would've tried to compare Queen with John Mellencamp. They are so different I had to really evaluate what factors I should be considering and why, and what things were the most important to me. It's more of a thought experiment than anything I think.
Ok I was being a dick, but I am in pain, not that it is a valid excuse. Sorry, but how about posting questions and asking people to defend their position on a light hearted topic?
When I said thought experiment, I just meant, you are presented with a series of choices. It doesn't ultimately matter what the overall outcome of these choices are. At least to me, it is much more interesting the process of how I arrive at each of my individual selections...
this thread is making me realize how hard i go with music related opinions some times... i have a pretty hipster play list from a lot of stuff i get into in all the different genres.

like there is some stuff in this thread that i'm totally in love with and some stuff where i'm totally like "eff that. can't get with it at all". most of this stuff i'm not really in between on.

now that you guys mention it's from a classic rock radio stations survey, i can totally see this more and more comparing it to what the classic rock stations in my area were playing like ten years ago before they kind of got more modern and started playing some 90's rock... i feel like the moody blues v.s. zeppelin is out there to piss off all my dad's friends. those were probably like two go to's for a lot of those folk growing up and they kind of have a different feel, so how are those people gonna pick between their go to's right there in round one too. Eddie money was all over the classic rock radio way more than the beatles a few years back. was on a lot while i was tripping that's why i'm going for that probably. i liked it as a kid too... the beatles are/were like never played on classic rock radio where i'm from, only some of their solo projects and really not that often.
And the truth is, by thinking about all the great favorite bands of mine that were left out, it made me realize what a huge number of great bands there were and how many different ways of being great there are, and how my personal emotions are involved and inform my choices. Fun!
And I must say, after some initial disappointment, that I am "grateful" that The Grateful Dead were left off this list, because if you suckas had voted them off, I would never speak to y'all again!