Mental Health The docs cured my alcoholism without meaning to


Jan 20, 2018
This is my story. 20 years ago I developed clinical depression possibly bipolar 2. That was bad enough but the change in brain chemistry plunged me into immediate and overnight alcoholism. These were my symptoms.

1 My off switch blew up. 1 drink would trigger mega cravings for more. I would roam the streets at night looking for more alcohol.

2 I became a messy fighting drunk. I used to be a peaceful drunk.

3 I started to develop horrendous blackouts

4 I started to develop horrendous hangovers.

They tried to shove me into AA but I refused because they could not tell me what caused this flash attack of alcoholism.

Last year I started seeing a new pdoc.

She px me lamictal 150 mg. It wiped out a layer of wired agitated depression but my 4 drinking problems stayed the same.

She px me Abilify maintena injections. My 4 alcohol problems disappeared in a puff of smoke never to return.

She px me Sertraline 50 mg for residual depression/anxiety and I knew I was home and dry.

She has no idea why she cured my alcoholism but she did.

Has anybody else had this experience with Abilify maintena?