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  • Words Moderators: Mysterier

That Moment Where You've Said Something Wrong For Years

Bull legged instead of bowlegged.

My grandmother says sireens instead of sirens.

My mom calls Andre 3000 Andre 2000 and even though I've showed her proof of his name, still insists she's right.

LOL awesome idea for a thread.
If I think of anymore ill post them.

I tell my kids "arms akimbo" to put their arms above their head to get their shirts off, and I am full aware of this being wrong. But it sounds cool. I am screwing them way up
The first time I ever asked for a daiquiri at a cocktail bar I kept pronouncing it da-KEER-i and couldn't understand why I was getting weird looks from the bartender until like the 6th round when I overheard someone else say it. Also I remember when I was a kid reading Peanuts comics whenever Snoopy used his typewriter there would always be a "type type type" sound effect to show he was hitting the keys. I thought it was pronounced "tippy" and couldn't figure out how a typewriter would make that noise. The weird thing is I knew the word "typewriter", so you'd think I could break it down but apparently not for many years :p

There are plenty of other words everyone tried to tell me I say wrong now but I just tell 'em it's like potato potahto :p :p
hahahahaa this totally reminds me of the first time I recall reading the word "pamphlet"... and my whole life I had pronounced it with an 'N' .......-.-

.. or when people pronounce "Gyro" improperly.... I'm still not totally sure how it's correctly pronounced, but I know the G is silent >.>
The G in "Gyro" always reminds me of how an R "rolls" speaking spanish.
It is almost like a gargling sound. Plus the R in it (i think) "rolls" also.
Almost sound like hawking a loogie when said right lol.