Thank you Bluelighters!!!


Dec 29, 1999
Well, I am about to break out the cheese on this one, but for some reason I feel this overwhealming urge to post this...
I have been Raving for a LONG time, (especialy as far as this little city of mine is concerned) and I am the oldest of the old skool here, and the scene has drasticly changed since when I was new. Not only that, but I have found that I have long since drifed from many (almost all) of my friends, who have moved away, or drifted entirely too far into drugs, and left raving (and PLUR, and everything that I stand for) behind.
I was ready to give up, ready to stop raving... and maybe even stop rolling.
Then my friend Eve, pointed me to this Board (which she herself just found). and I found this new, and wonderful community that is the Bluelight. Now, let me get to the point...
I feel like my experience, and knowledge of the scene, and everything involved in it, actualy MEAN something... I feel, useful... posts like Ashke's beautifly poetic post about the types of ravers, and hearing all of you talk about your experiences... I feel that as long as I KNOW that there are good people out there, like all of you, just waiting to be found, that there is still reason to my being there. You have all renewed my sence of PLUR in the rave scene. You make me WANT to go to another rave... you make me WANT to go out, and meet people at raves... because one of THEM just MIGHT be one of you.

I'd like to thank each and every one of you, even if you don't know what you have done for me.
Maybe some day I'll be able to get out to T.O. (maybe sooner than you think) or some other big city, and meet up with some of you.
It is all of YOU who make the rave scene what it is. YOU create, and sustain the PLUR that flows, like a river, through it. You ARE the party, and you take it with you wherever you go, and share it, with whoever you you meet.
The rave scene IS alive, in all of you, even if everyone at the raves doesn't understand what PLUR means.
Thank you all again, and keep it up!
but most of all most of all,
Paradox, your post is taken to heart. I appreciate you, all the staple people at bluelight, and everyone that has true love for our scene. I take our scene very seriously, cuz I take PLUR seriously. And I am glad I read your post, it definitely brightened my day 10000%. Thanks Paradox. And, no matter what, DONT GIVE UP ON OUR SCENE!! I feel that, to me at least, it is very important. It is the perfect release for everybody who needs it. I know I need it, shit, I live in the insane country that is the USA. It is people like you, Paradox, who make it a liveable place, thanks again.
i've only been in this scene about a year and want to say its people like you who have taught us newcomers all about this scene, this whole lifestyle. And to people like you, THANK YOU!!!
without people like you thier'd be no scene for all of us
this is a shameless bump to the top... beacuse I want to be sure that everyone reads it... I assure you, I won't do it again... (until tomorow? hehe)
Everyone SHOULD read it! I swear, I think everyone's been missing this board so much since the Troubles (oh, THANK YOU o great and mighty Jase, for bringing this back to us!) that it kinda all exploded into this great big SPLAT of PLUR in the posts today
. It's beautiful. I'm loving it. And it sure does make living day to day in the insanity (whether it be European, Asian, Australian, South American, US, or that extra-weird Canadian insanity) a whole lot more bearable. Bluelighters are the best. I love reading everybody's posts, they really brighten up the day. Even though I usually don't have anything coherant to say in response
Luv to you all. Though I dunno about you Canadians... Just kidding!

Loupy - (Don't think I don't know about the conspiracy...)
thank you paradox........I have really been moved by your post and by your renewed hope and faith in the rave scene...

I have to totally agree with you about its not the party that makes the party but the people that make the party, and it seems when you ahve bluelgihters arpound the party is all about PLUR. I have found that out with all my crew here in Florida and all the new ones that I met this past weekend.....
Wow I really dont know waht else to sya except I love the rave scene and I love bluelight and all that they stand for

Long live the scene nomatter how it changes it will still all be about PLUR as long as we have a board like this will all these great people on it to help promote it and make the scen grow.....

Peace to you all.........RuRu
It is always encouragingto hear that there is hope. I think we all could learn something from PARADOX'S message, no matter how true to the scene we are.
:: >SPLAT< of PLUR::

[This message has been edited by sunjoy (edited 07 January 2000).]
whoops... finger slipped... now my post is at the top... uh-oh...
hehe.. I'm sorry to do it again... but I want to be SURE that everyone reads it. I think this is the last time I'll bumb this one, and my other one.
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
I am just amazed at the sense of unity that this board created. I just started posting yesterday and already today, I feel like I know you all personally! That feeling is amazing because you can never EVER have too many friends. And all of you are the greatest!
Thanx Paradox for the post, it really made me stop and think about how much I enjoy all of you!
Well I'm kinda babblin, prolly cuz I am a little stoned, who knows, anyways, PLUR!!