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Testicular cyst

paranoid android

Moderator: TDS
Staff member
Apr 4, 2006
I have a cyst on one of my testicals. Or atleast it's a cyst according to my ex doc who i don't trust as she misdiagnosed my mom. She examined my testicals and got me to get a ultrasound and i guess nothing showed up on it as she didnt say anything. Do doctors read ultrasounds and stuff or is that someone elses job?

Also this was 3 years ago atleast i had that ultrasound so i think if it was testicular cancer by now it would have killed me. I did have some pain in the testical that i have a cyst in the other night but it was only minor pain and could have come from me lifting weights. It was hardly cancer level pain or anything.

Do i have anything to worry about? Should i talk to another doctor about this? Would getting another ultrasound help? It is making me kinda paranoid
If your doc said it's a cyst then it's probably just a cyst. As long as it's not giving you any issues then it's fine to leave it. If you've noticed it change in size or shape I'd get it checked out asap. They're pretty common. You can get them removed surgically but that obviously carries risks to your fertility.

I feel like getting it checked out would make you feel better? In which case go for it.
If your doc said it's a cyst then it's probably just a cyst. As long as it's not giving you any issues then it's fine to leave it. If you've noticed it change in size or shape I'd get it checked out asap. They're pretty common. You can get them removed surgically but that obviously carries risks to your fertility.

I feel like getting it checked out would make you feel better? In which case go for it.

I did have some minor pain in that area a few days ago but i think that was from lifting weights not the cyst. It's still the same size as far as i can tell.

The issue i have is that i dont trust that doctor she misdiagnosed my mom and also my brother now that i think of it. Right now i only have a virtual doctor so they can't examine me themselves but i could get another ultrasound done i guess. The whole situation is just giving me abit of anxiety
Aye, I can understand that.

If you don't trust your doc get another one. You shouldn't entrust you healthcare to somebody you don't trust.

If you were overdoing the weights then chances are that's what pain is from. It sounds like a cyst, mate. I wouldn't worry about it. Usually a doc would send you for the ultrasound and somebody who is specialized in interpretating them would write a report. The fact it hasn't changed size is positive.

But get a new doc if you don't like them. Maybe ease up on the weights some.
Aye, I can understand that.

If you don't trust your doc get another one. You shouldn't entrust you healthcare to somebody you don't trust.

If you were overdoing the weights then chances are that's what pain is from. It sounds like a cyst, mate. I wouldn't worry about it. Usually a doc would send you for the ultrasound and somebody who is specialized in interpretating them would write a report. The fact it hasn't changed size is positive.

But get a new doc if you don't like them. Maybe ease up on the weights some.

I have a new doctor or should i say doctors but it's a vitrual one. It's ok for getting scripts but when it comes to something like this it sucks as it would better to see one in person. But i can get a ultrasound from them i guess. I have no other option as the only doctor here currently taking patients is the one i want a second opinion from. She is absolutly useless to me as all she did was judge me for being in the psych ward and needing opiates. She flat out refused to give me any scripts.

If someone besides the doctor reads the ultrasound that makes me feel better. I just don't trust her hence why i want another doctors opinion. I think im worrying for nothing though likely as if this was cancer it would hurt alot more after 3 or 4 years of having it then it is now.
Do doctors read ultrasounds and stuff or is that someone elses job?
The radiologist performing the ultrasound procedure writes a report of findings which are then sent to your doctor. At least around these parts, though I don't see why it'd be different anywhere else. After all, radiologists are doctos. Maybe the procedure was performed by "just" at technician.....but even then, a doctor who isn't your GP would write a report to your GP.
Do i have anything to worry about? Should i talk to another doctor about this?
Yes, if it's stressing ya.
Would getting another ultrasound help? It is making me kinda paranoid
Again, get a second opinion to help ease your anxiety about it.