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Misc Tapering off Lexapro


Jun 25, 2022
Since l started Suboxone therapy (8mg) i feel better. Especially regarding my depression. I cut Lexapro from 20 to 10mg and haven't noticed any difference or side effects. I've been on 10mg for several months now and it's time for the new step. Am l doing the right thing if I go down to 5mg and completely stop after several weeks? I'm also taking Endep (100mg)at night but it helps me sleep so I will continue taking it. I would like to hear from people who did this successfully.
Are you taking endep every night or as needed?

In not a doctor but I think 100 mg endep is a adult antidepressant dose.

If you at some point stop it or switch to as needed I'd take that into consideration if you find yourself depressed wondering how not suspecting the sleep aid is also an antidepressant .

Also, if you are taking endep daily it might be reducing how noticable decreasing Lexapro is

I'd just talk to your doctor if the endep is working so well for sleep if we could try taking just endep at night without any Lexapro for my sleep and depression.

(Also, it's nice to see that level of patience changing your meds. I think you have better self control then me. )
Thanks for the advice. I know that Endep is an antidepressant and I started to take it 7-8 years ago because morning dose of antidep. wasn't enough. (I can't remember which one?) But beside sleeping benefits I really don't feel anything else. The same thing is happening with Lexapro as well. Apparently in my case nothing works? That's the main reason I became dependent on Oxy as it was the only thing that really helped me cope with the depression. Unfortunately after several years I developed tolerance and my Dr. prescribed Suboxone. It really works miracle and I have no desire to go back to opioids. It also helps me get out of bed and my chronic pain (headache) is much better. I reduced lexapro from 20 to 10mg and my next step will be 5mg. After that I will try to quit. Stay well my friend. ✌️
Are you taking endep every night or as needed?

In not a doctor but I think 100 mg endep is a adult antidepressant dose.

If you at some point stop it or switch to as needed I'd take that into consideration if you find yourself depressed wondering how not suspecting the sleep aid is also an antidepressant .

Also, if you are taking endep daily it might be reducing how noticable decreasing Lexapro is

I'd just talk to your doctor if the endep is working so well for sleep if we could try taking just endep at night without any Lexapro for my sleep and depression.

(Also, it's nice to see that level of patience changing your meds. I think you have better self control then me. )
I finally did it after 10 years. No more lexapro in my life. How effective it has been? I tapper it down and quit in a several weeks time and didn't even realise that I'm not taking it anymore. It was complete waste of time. My depression is apparently resistant to all kinds of antidepressants because l tried them all from every group. Thanks God that Suboxone still works so l can get up from bed in the morning. I devided 8mg strip in 4 parts and take them every 4 hours. I just hope they l won't develop tolerance? 🙏🇦🇺