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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Tapentadol (aka Nucynta) General Report


Dec 18, 2008
My report will go over my experiences with tapentadol over 5 days (consecutively). I recently got some tapentadol and didn't know what to expect, having tried the other weaker opioids like tramadol, kratom, codeine and demerol I expected it to be somewhere along the synthethetic opiods like tramadol or a cross between demerol and kratom.

Before I start codeine is one of my favorite opiates, and was on east coast heroin for about 6-7 months, methadone, hydromorphone, fentanyl (smoked/chased gel). I like it specifically b/c it is good enough to take away any w/ds yet still get you pretty good esp with a benzo and or some weed, my favorites include codeine and carisoprodol. The most bizzare/demented high was from demerol follwed by kratom though still very euphoric. My tolerence at this time was such that 30mg-45mg codeine throught the day would take away any stomach discomfort, coughs, etc. Expecting it to be like tramadol (perhaphs a bit less stimulating).

I started with 150mg calculated on a mg scale orally and first thing I noticed was the disgusting taste resembling mephedrone, which was washed down with water (empty stomach). I wanted to give it at least 45mg-1hr before re-dosing more plus I also had on hand soma 350mg, 15mg codeine phosphate and 25mg amobarbital pills (the amobarb I wasn't going to take regardless but I was considering codeine and soma).

I felt the classic 'feeling like diareeah' people speak about around 25-30min later. I started getting very comfortable and took a 6mg bromazepam as well as a toke of 1 hit weed around the 50min mark. I felt really good, much better than tramadol but def not as good as hydrocodone and wanted to re dose but waited until at least 1hr and 20min mark. As I did get up to re dose I felt I was already pretty high, but not nodding so I took about 75mg codeine and 100mg tapentadol. Soon I was nodding out, however the effects would be gone in about 4hrs max and I noticed tolerence to the opioid effects, with much less the norepinephrine sp? with repeat doses. I would say for someone with zero tolerence 150mg-200mg would be optimal and someone like myself with minimal tolerence about 300mg and repeat as needed. I smoked 1 hit weed everytime I took tapentadol.

After I was introduced to the effects followed as usual a 5 day 'binge' where I would dose upon waking up, before going to sleep and also re dosing during the day. I did notice that without the soma I would stay up and fidget a bit more so than with tramadol (hard to go to sleep without re dosing).

Also I noticed that codeine made it a much more pleasurable high with 75-90mg pure codeine along with 300mg tapentadol was enough to be opiated out and nodding for about 3-4hrs however after that if you dont redose you might want to take a benzo or a soma. Like I said this isn't so much the first few times but rather after a couple times tolerence seems to build not to the norephinephrine (sp?) and other non related receptors (anti histamine for example) but to the synthetic type of opioid. Regarding the antichlorigenic (sp?) effects of tapentadol I found it unique and part of the euphoric effect rather than take away from it, also I never got visual hallucinations but maybe slight visual changes (as in high/stoned) but nothing like taking 3-4 benadryls.

Also after my day of fun the 'fun' continuned and people close to me that didnt know would tell me that I'm agitated and nervous, when in reality it was a mixture of both agitated and relaxed (more relaxed but yet I could feel it) for example if I took a hit of weed or a couple codeine pills I would feel the relaxed/opiated part more. Without the soma and codeine I admit that after 2-3 consecutive doses I would snap much easier for no reason, I felt very impatient with people around me, impatient with people in the clerk isle...basically after 3-4hrs I would feel jittery but a soma, a light benzo, and a hit of strong weed would have me really good again.

To compare tapentadol, without having had M1 or other rare/strange opioids, I would say its much better than tramadol to start and expect a buzz like a light to moderate dose of demerol or like a heavy dose of kratom bearing in mind it definatley has SNRI effects the more pronounced with usage and higher opiate tolerence. It is not as energetic as tramadol however more so than any others. I have much experience with oxy and it doesn't really compare with oxy at least not recreationally however it possess the uplifting effect that all other synthethic and semi synthetic opioids have, for instance it was next to impossible for me to nod out with a tolerence on oral fentanyl though i'd get high as fuck. It's something that I won't go out my way to experience again however I'm glad I tried it and it definatley stands alone there as an opioid with SNRI propreties so anxiety/insomnia in high doses may be a factor (I had 30 100mg pills over 5 days).

btw, I've taken tapentadol with and without other potentators and/or opiates, my report is of both instances that it is a step up from tramadol and more in the direction of codeine (not as uppy/jittery as tramadol).
Ive been prescribed tapentadol (Nucynta 75mgs x3 daily) for 3 years, and the stuff still works "reasonably" well for pain control. Some tolerance has built over time, but its still effective enough that im satisfied saying at 75mgs. Besides, at least for me, 150mgs+ start producing undesirably "trippy" effects and promote anxiety.

Also, just for safety sake (and as you probably already know) be careful with this stuff. Things like eating more food and anti inflams like Naproxen will increase the absorbtion. Also, it will dyhydrate you, and sometimes it'll sneak up on you effect wise. Occasionally, I still get an unexpected "high" from it (though sometimes that's from accidentally thinking its been 5 hours since the last dose when its really only been 3, lol).
Personally I have been on opiates/opioids for a long time for chronic pain (and used otherwise) and have been a nurse for 20 years and I hated Nucynta when I tried it. I had no noticeable pain relief at all and it made me feel very uncomfortable very much like tramadol does. Matter of fact it was so similar to tramadol (which I aldo dislike) that I probably would not have been able to tell the difference in them had I not known what I was taking. Way too speedy and uncomfortable with no pain relief for moderately severe pain.

Also to the above poster...this med make cause you to have a dry mouth and feel thirsty but it does not actually dehydrate you. And I am not sure what you mean when you state that eating more food causes it to absorb more or increases it effects..food on your stomach will do the opposite generally with medications.
It certainly left me a bit edgy and agitated (not physically as much) esp when interacting with people. I seemed to be pissed off and disinterested in general things in life however I thought the benzos and amobarb (soma too) I was taking would help mask those effects which persisted for about 2-3 days after last dose. No hot sweats at night which more than likely due to the other sedatives mentioned.

Best comparison is the equivalent to the drainage from 1-2 good MDMA doses however not to that extent (less so), and this of course is after doing 50 50mg tablets over 4-5 days. I too would not praise it esp recreationally or as a huge improvement of tramadol (much more expensive, almost half tramadols duration) basically don't get your hopes up. Pain wise I hope never to have to comment on it though it may be a huge step in terms of analgesia.
Not Bad

I was given 50 mg Nucynta ER yesterday after my second round of spinal injections yesterday and complaining that the Lortab 2.5 (I didn't even know they came in such a LOW dose) didn't work for me. I Had a hard time finding the drug in stock and had no idea what to expect... even the few thngs I could find on it weren't so helpful. I am 5' 4", 140 lbs and have a high tolerance for opiates (oxymorphone being my favorite, which I would snort and nod out with). I found that taking 100 mgs on an empty stomach (cutting the tablets into 4 pieces to bypass the time release as they are hard to chew and I'd imagine impossible to crush) I get a nice euphoria (similar to maybe 10-15 mg oxy), good pain relief and it can induce a nod. I experienced an elevated mood, was talkative and laughing a lot!
Not the best, but a great drug when there are not many options after being treated for opiate abuse previously. I did not experience any negative side effects that I had read about.
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