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Taking MDMA at home with a friend

Well we don't ID drugs on Bluelight.
If you want to know what you are taking get a test kit.
My experience is that tv/video and all that is completely meaningless on a good roll.
Music is good though.
Assuming you have mdma, I suggest you hide your telephone.
Don't be tempted to get in the car. Not a good idea.
What about feeling loved up? Does your friend do hugs?
Why he not roll too?
Low coloured lighting is nice. You can get all kinds of effects a stuff on Amazon.
Cushions and a place to lie down.
Do you smoke. Make sure you can find your cigs. and the ash tray.
Finally have something to drink near at hand. I just drink mineral water but most people recommend a sports drink.
Anywhere locally I can get a test kit? I cant order it online since it will never arrive in time. Walmart? Walgreens?

Where do you live?
I think you can get eztests in less than two weeks if you are in Europe, and probably the same holds true with dancesafe in the US.

I also found this vendor, which I never saw before http://bunkpolice.org/basic-test-kit/ <- does anyone know them?

(btw, I like to dissolve powder/crystals in a bit of water and drink it. Sure, it's bitter, but who cares?:p)
Bunk police is legit. You can even find those particular kits on Amazon.

Also, it should take far less than two weeks - in the US anyway.

Dancesafe ships kits ordered on their site with 2 day shipping.

Personally, I'd get a Dancesafe kit. Its the best value and you get all of the testing agents for 65 dollars that you would ever need for E pills. It doesn't have the ability to test for LSD or other indoleamines (Ehrlich's) but it has marquis, mecke, mandelin, and robadope in one kit. 65 sounds like a lot but considering its 40-50 tests, its actually quite cheap. Highly recommend that particular kit. Ez-test dropped their ez-complete test in the US so I don't recommend them anymore as you'll have to buy each kit individually.
I have some trance music like infected mushroom, skazi, damage, that kind of stuff. Any other music recommendations?
yes, so if you're into psytrance check out: Ra - Time Current, Chi-A.D. - Exit Eternity, California Sunshine - Summer 89 and Pleiadians - Asterope (especially the etnica mix, those pads in the beginning are godly). i've found these to go especially well with mdma.
Are movies and video games enjoyable while on X?
i've never tried it but highly doubt it. you'd probably forget what the movie was about every few minutes and the screen would be quite blurry because of eye wiggles.
Like will I be tempted to drive around or try go somewhere or will I be in full control and be content chilling at my house? I plan on giving my keys to my buddy just incase.
you'll likely have no urge to drive and be wholly conscious that you're in no condition to do so, still giving your keys away is never wrong as a precaution. you'll likely have to urge to move but i wouldn't worry about wandering off. one of the great things with mdma is that you can dance the whole night or just melt into the couch or alternate between the two and it will almost always seem to be the best thing to do :)
Any recommendations and advice you guys can offer me?
imho mdma is quite boring when you're the only one on it (at least when compared to having company that is equally high). i imagine being with a sober (or even worse, drunk) friend not to be ideal. you'll miss out on fun conversations, hugs and probably appear like a gullible, childish madman if your friend has no experience with it. why not share your mdma?

anyway, have a nice time!