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Taking lsd three weeks after mdma


Jun 3, 2017
Hi. I'm 16, going through a period of GCSEs and last week I took around 200mg of MDMA. I bombed it and it was really intense for 7 hours. I felt really tired and depressed a couple of days after and getting a small amount of sleep. After that, I began to feel anxious and paranoid and today I had my first panic attack ever, and I felt like I was going to faint. I had heart palpitations and dizziness and I was acting weird and I had a sudden urge to gurn. I have been smoking weed for about a year now and I have taken other things like speed and xanax but not frequently. this week I have had a lot of coffee and haven't done any exercise recently. I have a party coming soon and I wanted to try lsd but I'm worried that I might have continuous panic attacks or symptoms like this. Is it safe or should I wait it out for a bit
I have a party coming soon and I wanted to try lsd but I'm worried that I might have continuous panic attacks or symptoms like this. Is it safe or should I wait it out for a bit

It is not safe. If you feel anxious about taking LSD, and especially if you have symptoms of anxiety generally, then it is likely you'll have a poor experience. You should wait it out.

The truth is, 16 is too young for this kind of drug use. You really should stop taking MDMA, speed, xanax, etc, and keep your Cannabis use to an absolute minimum until you're a few years older, like 20. If you don't, you're putting yourself at risk for some serious health problems. You've already experienced how MDMA can negatively affect you, and it's not going to get any better if you keep it up. Hold off on LSD for a few years and try it later, when your brain is more fully developed. Trust me, you'll be glad you did.
Agreed w clocktower, dude 16 is way too young to be fucking around with speed or xanax or mdma. Though mdma can be relatively safe if you take it correctly, its effects on a developing brain arent really known and I wouldnt wanna find out in a hard way. Also yeah if youre scared to drop LSD for the love of God DONT. Youll regret it.
Totally agree with the others. And speaking from experience, doing way too much of those drugs, particularly LSD and weed from a young age, has played a massive part in the poor state of my mental health right into adulthood. I was always scared taking drugs but I hated the way I felt not taking them (still do) so I did it anyway. Always had terrible come downs with anxiety and depression as you describe.

I definitely think you would be wise to stay well away and good on you for asking questions. Stay safe
I just posted a pretty long reply but when I went to edit it fucking bluelight deleted it (moral of the story is dont write long paragraphs on bluelight on ya phone)....

Anyway, the short term version is dont do it man. I used mdma occasionally from 15 until I was 24 and I developed severe depersonilisation and derealisation after my last roll. Youre so young and theres so much more in life to experience than drugs...trust me! Good luck in your GCSEs
Cheers guys. I am very well aware of the consequences of consuming these drugs however... my choice of friends/environments is drugs and partying. And I understand that you don't have to take it at parties but that is the thing. I was wondering if anyone had this experience this young and whether it is normal or not
Cheers guys. I am very well aware of the consequences of consuming these drugs however... my choice of friends/environments is drugs and partying. And I understand that you don't have to take it at parties but that is the thing. I was wondering if anyone had this experience this young and whether it is normal or not

"Thanks for the replies everyone, but can someone please say it's safe?" Everyone is telling you No but your Still Phishing for a yes, your gonna do it anyway as it seems from you still asking for more advice /thread
A few of us have said we did the same thing that young or younger with the same results. I experienced the same thing, major anxiety and depression and depersonalisation soon after I started using LSD, ecstasy, weed etc around age 14-16, and it just got worse and I still struggle today. My son, just 17 has done it a couple of times with the same result. Some of us are just predisposed. So it's 'normal' to get fucked up by those chemicals but not a good kind of normal that's going to get any better.
You said you haven't been exercising. I encourage you to start doing so and also start eating healthy. It's good for your brain after doing mdma. Also I recommend you don't take L or any other hard drugs (including mdma) til you're atleast 18. You should probably wait til you're early 20s though.