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Taking gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and benzos together?

Juniper Bruhmomentius

Bluelight Crew
May 10, 2019
Are there known risks?
Or better to save the GABA for off benz days?
Someone with knowledge please help me out.
GABA does not cross the BBB. I'm sure there are threads on this topic on BL if you check the search engine.

IME having been on diazepam or clonazepam for the past 5 years and having tried mixing with GABA many times, I found no real synergy or potentiation to occur.

If you're looking to increase the action of your benzodiazepine I suggest checking out some of the benzodiazepine potentiation threads on BL.
If you want something to mildly relax you, try L-theanine. I find it very useful for relaxing/minor anti-anxiety. It's safe and not addictive and although it's not strong, it's definitely not placebo. Also there is a study I read where it protects the liver partly against alcohol-related toxicity.
GABA does not cross the BBB. I'm sure there are threads on this topic on BL if you check the search engine.

IME having been on diazepam or clonazepam for the past 5 years and having tried mixing with GABA many times, I found no real synergy or potentiation to occur.

If you're looking to increase the action of your benzodiazepine I suggest checking out some of the benzodiazepine potentiation threads on BL.
If you want something to mildly relax you, try L-theanine. I find it very useful for relaxing/minor anti-anxiety. It's safe and not addictive and although it's not strong, it's definitely not placebo. Also there is a study I read where it protects the liver partly against alcohol-related toxicity.
Okay, thats what Im gonna try. Btw I currently have these pills that contain;l-arginiini l-ornitiini l-tyrosiini koliini and inositoli. You ever heard about them?
I think that is L-arginine, L-tyrosine, Choline, inositol, and some other amino acid that I can't tell, in a different language.

L-arginine is aa amino acid that is a vasodilator, it helps with blood flow and you can use it to combat vasoconstriction. No mental effects that I'm aware of

L-tyrosine is an amino acid that is a precursor to dopamine (your body uses it to produce dopamine. But it won't help your body produce more dopamine faster than normal, it will just help you to be able to replenish dopamine. Some people find it can produce some minor motivational effects

Choline is the direct precursor to acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter involved in memory ad a bunch of other things. Choline is an essential nutrient but most get enough from their diet. No real mental effects except it allows your brain to make plenty of acetylcholine. Some drugs like piracetam (nootropics) will deplete acetylcholine faster so it's recommended to supplement additional choline while on them.

Isositol is a carbohydrate that has a number of functions in the brain but it won't get you high or make you feel like anything.

L-theanine (which I mentioned last post) is used to make both dopamine and GABA in the brain, which is why it gives you a minor calming/relaxing feeling. I find it good for bouts of anxiety. It would likely help somewhat, but only subtly, with dealing with GABAergic withdrawal. But sometimes every little bit helps.
I think that is L-arginine, L-tyrosine, Choline, inositol, and some other amino acid that I can't tell, in a different language.

L-arginine is aa amino acid that is a vasodilator, it helps with blood flow and you can use it to combat vasoconstriction. No mental effects that I'm aware of

L-tyrosine is an amino acid that is a precursor to dopamine (your body uses it to produce dopamine. But it won't help your body produce more dopamine faster than normal, it will just help you to be able to replenish dopamine. Some people find it can produce some minor motivational effects

Choline is the direct precursor to acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter involved in memory ad a bunch of other things. Choline is an essential nutrient but most get enough from their diet. No real mental effects except it allows your brain to make plenty of acetylcholine. Some drugs like piracetam (nootropics) will deplete acetylcholine faster so it's recommended to supplement additional choline while on them.

Isositol is a carbohydrate that has a number of functions in the brain but it won't get you high or make you feel like anything.

L-theanine (which I mentioned last post) is used to make both dopamine and GABA in the brain, which is why it gives you a minor calming/relaxing feeling. I find it good for bouts of anxiety. It would likely help somewhat, but only subtly, with dealing with GABAergic withdrawal. But sometimes every little bit helps.

Great answer thanks! These pills that I have seem to be definitely worth taking everyday, for the extra "gains".