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Taking drugs after long term mdma comedown


Jul 8, 2014
Dear Bluelighters,

I have overcame a LTC after abusing MDxx for almost 2.5 years every weekend and one banter night triggered a hell of 4months, including severe anxiety, panic attacks, DP-DR, suicidal thoughts...

It has been 2 months now since I have fully recovered. I know for a fact I will never touch MDxx again, however the question of occasionally having a bit of blow or ketamine is still there. (hypothetically LSD too as I have never tried it and kida always wanted)

I therefore would like to hear some of your experiences after (or even during) long term comedown with these substances and how they might effect someone who has completely healed from LTC. Since then had a few nights where I drank and felt normal, just like when I had a drink before my LTC.

So my main question is: could blow or k (and LSD) possibly trigger LTC again?

Since my LTC I have changed my lifestyle drastically. No smoking, drinking occasionaly, exercise every day, eat healthy....(BUT I know that maybe once or twice a year there will be an opportunity to do blow or k)

Thank you for all your insights and for those suffering still from ltc...STAY STRONG!
Don't see why any of those should cause problems! If anything K has antidepressive properties that could help fix a longterm comedown... Blow generally tends to not have much of a comedown anyway. Problem with MDMA abuse is likely to be long term serotonin depletion. None of the substances you mentioned would have such a drastic effect on serotonin and would be unlikely to give you problems, especially if only done a few times a year :).
I'm glad to hear you've recovered. Never had a LTC, only very short ones (2 weeks max) but they sound like hell

I kind of agree with St3ve, though I do not think a long term comedown occurs just because of long term serotonin depletion as it can in some cases be triggered by just one night, not only by real abuse, but who knows...

Be careful of course though. I would keep it to one substance, don't mix them, I wouldn't mix with alcohol either, just use the substance separately and make sure you keep your dose normal. And if your LTC had a lot of anxiety in it or DP/DR or panic, keep a close watch on that during the night, to see if any of that comes back at any point, even only slightly. If it does I would stop consuming immediately

I think the substance to watch out for most is the coke, as I've heard a lot of LTC's being triggered by combining that one with MDMA (and a lot of times alcohol too) so I think you need to approach coke the most careful of the three, but this is just a personal observation not in any way a certainty.

To conclude I would advise to take some time to think about this, don't do it impulsively. You know your body best, if you are unsure, don't do it. It's not because someone on a forum says 'yeah I think you could try again' that that's the absolute truth of course :) make the decision for yourself after careful consideration of all factors in play

Have fun and stay safe man!
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I stayed away from all stimulants during my LTC but slowly eased back into caffeine and eventually the occasional joint.

It all depends on your mental state. Now I can do anything, including mdma, without issue. Just take it slow and remember the things you learned about your recovery if you start to feel strange.

Sometimes after a big weekend I'll feel LTC-esque symptoms but I do not give them any attention or thought and they are gone in a few hours - just a natural part of a hangover/comedown.
Thank you St3ve, BlueBull and Dawglaw for your replies, really appreciate the advice with using drugs again after a LTC.

Dawglaw: Thank you for sharing your experience. Mentally I feel great, and when I think about trying drugs again I feel more powerful than ever before strangely enough. But the power doesnt lye in the fact that I used to abuse drugs and survived so now I can again; but rather in the wisdom I gained from my LTC. Now I know my limits and that is very important.

There have been discussions on what exactly is causing LTC, many people trying to link it with a dangerous combo, with too much alcohol, stress etc. I think the answer is simple. Long Term Comedowns are our bodies crying for help.

If it came from just a one time use it means that your body is just not predisposed to handle drugs well so its a warning sign not to mess with them again.

If its after a 3 day banter or after abusing the drug for so long its again your body warning you to stop with what youre doing now and take it easy or stop ideally.

It is simply amazing how much a person can change from LTC. And what fascinates me the most is that our bodies reply in such a ''smart'' way to all of this. That what really makes you revalue your life are the mental symptoms of LTC. Not the physical (or at least thats how it was for me). Until I got the deep depressions and got suicidal and then got my life back I realized all of this. Until I just had the panic attacks and all the rest of they physical symptoms I never thought about suicide or the value of life in such a way mental symptoms made me.

Anyways...thank you again and if anyone has any more experience advice please share :)
Lovelife1: I agree. My LTC changed me significantly, for the better. It brought to the surface some hidden issues that I did not realize that I needed to deal with. Now I am extremely confident and almost liberated in a sense. My personality has opened up and I really feel as if I have made the final transformation from a young person to an "adult."

I do not think I will ever suffer a LTC again because 1) I learned a ton about how my mind and body works while trying to overcome the terrible feelings 2) I have learned how powerful MDMA can be, especially when you are rough on your body with other drugs/lack of sleep/underlying stress.

I have broken the once a month rule once since I started dabbling with MDMA again. I was drunk and this chick told me that if I rolled with her I would get laid. Hard to say no to that one. I felt a bit wonky and was pissed at myself but did not really suffer any mental problems outside of a general hangover. However, if I were in more of a stressful mental state - who knows what I would have dealt with after screwing around.

I do think that most people can recover and then go back to RESPONSIBLE use. However, that is an individual decision. The only person who knows if you are ready is you.
Thanks Dawglaw...hope you at least got laid that night hey :)

Any more stories of taking drugs (especially interested in coke) after recovering from LTC? And if so what were your reactions? Did you have a good time or you said bye bye to drugs for good after trying them again?

Any input is much appreciated. Thanks