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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Tagamet to potentiante percs fine without the tums??



Is taking tums after Tagamet and before Percocet vital to enhance it?

Also how much Tagamet should I be taking

Not sure if I'm not doing it right or whatever but this method totally seems hit or miss, as in I feel half the time I do it nothing works at all
The Tums don't really potentiate, what they do is induce the stomach to empty contents into the small intestine faster which leads to a quicker buzz. Tagamet slows down the liver's metabolism of opioids. It won't really increase the buzz (both percocet and hydrocodone have high oral bioavailability) but will make the buzz last a bit longer. I typically take 600 mg Tagamet with my usual dose of Vicodin. Some people use grapefruit juice instead of Tagamet but this has a lot of acid which actually slows down stomach emptying so it is less effective at increasing the buzz than Tagamet.
The Tums don't really potentiate, what they do is induce the stomach to empty contents into the small intestine faster which leads to a quicker buzz. Tagamet slows down the liver's metabolism of opioids. It won't really increase the buzz (both percocet and hydrocodone have high oral bioavailability) but will make the buzz last a bit longer. I typically take 600 mg Tagamet with my usual dose of Vicodin. Some people use grapefruit juice instead of Tagamet but this has a lot of acid which actually slows down stomach emptying so it is less effective at increasing the buzz than Tagamet.

I tried this yesterday and didn't feel anything, nothing helping my pain and nothing else