Swollen lip, and slight swelling in face in body - due to pharmacy combination


Mar 22, 2017
A friend of mine recently had a serious (what seemed like) an allergic reaction - but what to has yet to be explained is what exactly caused it. He told me he used crystal (insufflated as he refuses to smoke it anymore) but it was a different kind from somewhere else - quality unknown. He has used plenty times before and never had a bad physical reaction. He noticed no immediate symptoms, but he hopped In the shower at a friend's, used their shampoo and put on an unknown brand of chapstick. Not long after he noticed his lips had swollen fairly bad. Not severe but noticeable and uncomfortable. He took benadryl with little to no avail. He received an epi pen shot at the hospital after, hours later, his testicle swole in another almost 'hives like reaction'. I am not sure whether he used more speed at this time or not or came in contact with Poison oak or anything (which he is allergic to, but his reaction did not mimic any Poison oak rash I'd ever seen.) Their swelling in his lip went down. He did a small bump of speed with a friend of a friend and had no noticeable worsening in his symptoms for a couple hours. This was the next day. He took more benadryl to further try and shrink the swelling/hives like reaction in his lip and testicle, and after he got out of the shower his lip had swollen twice as big about 30m later. He had also used small amount of clonazepam and buprenorphine which is not irregular for him. But it almost seemed the benadryl was causing this? He is now taking prednisone after we got it filled for him, and his lip has shrunk back considerably but the area around his eyes/nose seem slightly puffy and red now. Could this be an allergic reaction to some kind of shampoo or to benadryl, or is it from mixing drugs and pharms? He has never had this issue before and the doctors could not give him a straight answer. It's getting better and then worse again. We wondered if some sort of contaminant in the Crystal m-amphetamine could have caused this? Or something else? Can post pic of his lip if it helps. He's frustrated and not sure if the meds he was given are making it better or worse or even what is causing the swelling/allergic like reaction! Anyone with any ideas or knowledge on this please help us figure this out! He is very frustrated and confused. It seems very odd and there seems to not be a clear explaination or direct cause that we can tell. If this isn't speed or other pharmaceuticals or the benadryl, ( or is it) but otherwise - does ANYone know what on earth could it be?