sunjoy doing a little bitching. (in favor of bluelight)


Dec 11, 1999
I don't know how many of you have ever experienced any other mail lists or bulletin boards, but I recently re-subscribed to the sfraves mail list for the bay area here in CA. I unsubscribed last time because it was so disorganized and overwhelming. Mailbox was constantly crammed full of... just crap. People complaining, criticizing, flaming eachother... ugh, and then there's the constant pages ("paging moondoggie! NRR") the advertising and promoting, the random personal conversations that no one but three people in the world could get anything form or give a shit about... But the thing that really saddens me and has convinced me to re-un-subscribe is the negativity. I mean real viciousness. Unlike here at bluelight they have nothing to bond them together (like the way this board is supposedly set up to talk about e, and everything that goes with it.) SO it's just a whole lot of people that feel they know best how to live life, that they know what the scene is *really* about, that their way is the right way, that only their opinions count, just ripping eachother apart constantly... ah how depressing. And the real sad part is that these are all people that belong to the same "scene". They are theoretically supposed to be able to experience some sort of Unity together, but instead they are split about everything-- the music, the drugs, the type of dancing, the djs, the promoters, the type of party, eachothers poetry (people flame other people's poetry!!)--absolutely everything. It honestly scares me. I don't want to acknowledge the fact that these people exist in San Francisco, (or anywhere I'm going to party!) I just want to go, and get what I get out of it (usually a really good time). Fuck the rest of it, the critical analysis of everything and everyone involved in the "scene". It just made me realize once again how special and unique a place bluelight is. But, are these people on that list a really a representation of what's out there? Seems everytime I go out I end up making friends with people I think belong on bluelight. So bluelight gives me hope. Jase and Skydancer have all done us a wonderful service by creating this space (which is so fabulously *workable*, which enables us to actually communicate and learn, unlike that hideous list of people babbling at eachother), but it's EVERYONE that contributes to this board that I'm thinking of right now. Granted, some of the things I was talking about above appear on this board from time to time, but in comparison, I have learned so much and enjoyed such a feeling of kinship or community, it more than makes up for it. I hope a few others of us realize what a strange and beautiful thing we've stumbled onto here. I know many of you already do.
My love to all... (even if I don't reply as often as some, I really do appreciate every post I read.)