Mental Health Suicidal ideation


Bluelight Crew
Nov 18, 2008
You know when you see a new therapist and they mention that if you adMIT to being suicidal they have to commit you. Well I think about suicide everyday. Lately I've been making more plans but I still don't think I'm going to do it.
It's like my fallback position when/if everything goes wrong. I just worry the more it normalizes in my brain the more likely I am to do it 4 real.

4 conext I've had 3 seruous attempts with Xanax and heroine over 3 years ago now. The other 3 atempts fall in the cry for help catagory.
Like how can I approach I health pro about this without getting committed. Where's the line?
I don't think that a therapist should be unwilling to discuss suicidal ideation. I understand why a therapist would, in the interest of honesty, let you know that if he/she thinks there is evidence that you are imminently in danger then he or she has to act on that knowledge; but that should not be a threat that denies you the freedom to express your despair.

Suicidal ideation can be just what you described: an emotional release from a despair that seems inescapable. In that sense, it can even be a rational strategy for dealing with pain. I would approach the conversation truthfully. I would start by saying that you would like to discuss feelings and thoughts of suicide without fear. Ask the therapist what he/she can do to allow for the conversation to proceed safely. You need assurances that expressing mere thoughts will not get you incarcerated and the therapist needs reassurance that you are not at this point in time intending to take your own life.
Yeah. I want to go back into the hospital for a couple months. Get a proper benzo taper. Start with A VLEAN Slate You know? But thats not possible. The intrusive thoughts and stress get more and more frequent 28 no job addicted to benzos that I can never make last a whole month. It's a lot to deal with?