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Suddenly body won't tolerate MDMA


Mar 11, 2013
So all of the people who live in my house (college housemates) and their girlfriends all went to Florida this past week for their spring break, which I was excluded from, bu that's irrelevant. while they were there they all consumed ecstasy pills, no surprise, the pills were Yellow Superman presses from the Netherlands which are known to be clean pills typically varying from 140-210+ mg each. Before they lest I personallly tested one from the same batch with a battery of tests (Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Simon’s, Robatest and Buffer) that I got as the complete test kit from the Australian based test kit site that was advertised on the front page of pillreports (maybe post is still there, I haven't checked in a while). At any rate all the tests came back with the desired results, and I haven't read anywhere on the net that these specific ones had anything undesirable in them.

Out of the 5 people who consumed them, only the one girlfriend who ate a half had a problem, and her problem was that it made her vomit several times starting almost immediately after taking it (they were taken orally). I know for a fact she has consumed full pills in the past which were of similar dose (purple/blue partyflock presses from NL) and never had any problems whatsoever. However the past 4 times she has taken any at all it has immediately made her nauseous and sick. The first time was from a pill that I couldn't find a report of anywhere on the net, so when she asked me about it (I'm kind of the one in our group who knows the most about drugs) I just kind of chalked it up to the likelihood that it was cut with something, especially because 4 others who took that one also got sick (note this was before my test kit arrived).

However she's tried 3 other times with pills that all tested clean and which nobody else got sick from. She asked me to explain this, and despite my knowledge pool I couldn't help which is why I'm here.

She has recently been having a few health issues (kidney problems and some issues with certain foods not sitting well and making her sick to her stomach). So my best guess is that with her stomach not being in the best shape anyway, the consumption of the MDMA itself is enough to make her sick, especially since the nausea comes before she feels any effects from the drug itself.

Another detail I should mention is that when she explained this most recent time she said she had snorted a small line of MDMA while on vacation and hadn't experienced these issues. My conclusion was that firstly, the powder snorted was likely not pure and so one line was not near the dose of the pills, and also that since it was snorted as opposed to eaten, only a small amount probably made it to her stomach from throat drip.

All these details combined lead me to believe that the most likely cause of all the negative effects is her pre-existing stomach issues, or it could also be possible that the higher dose is the cause. I can't make any deductions with 100% certainty, but wanted to ask this community for their input on if there are any other possible causes that I haven't thought of or if my 2 initial deductions pretty much cover it.

Thanks for any input or advice you can offer!

SWIM is having not getting sick off pills but either not getting high or having a very weak experience. (while others have been having the time of their lives) SWIM also agrees with the stomach issues. SWIM feels that maybe the abuse on his/her body has finally reared its ugly head. Although, it is perfectly normal to feel the urge to vomit when it hits you for the first time. The potency can sometimes be too strong to handle depending on when you last ate, how healthy your body is or not, how much you have taken. Your friend should probably seek a doctor and cease taking it for a while. Better safe than sorry.
Some people seem to react badly to taking mdma per os (i.e. in pill form).
The obvious answer to your question is to try another route.
You seem to have already arrived at that answer by saying the others snorted rather than swallowing.
I'm not so keen on snorting and prefer plugging.
My partner always used to get sick too, but has never had any trouble with plugging.
Perhaps she's sensitive to an additive in the pill? Maybe the bulking agent used to help keep the pill from easily crumbling? It happens.

It's not unheard of for certain people to react adversely to certain food coloring either.

If she was fine after snorting, it's possible that not enough of the inactive ingredients in the pill (which cause her to spew) ended up in her stomach.

Or, it could be from impurities, however, I'd expect others to be reporting it if that were the case.

A friend of mine always throws up whenever she ingests green-colored ecstasy pills. Afterwards she's fine, thankfully.
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