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subutext and fent


Mar 31, 2016
Hi my name is summer!
I have a question, I am very afraid of overdose. I can't find a direct answer to my question.
I can easily take about 16 or more mg of subutext a day.
I have been out for a few days and got my hands on a 25mcg fent patch.
How much would be okay to chew on???
Or put on my chest? Plz help!
I'm not even sure if bupe raises your opiate tolerance. And I know bupe is used to get people off of opiates I don't need that speech, please someone just answer my question. Thanks: )
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Compared to 16 mg of subutex, you would be fine wearing a 25 mcg fentanyl patch. You won't get high, but it will b enough to keep you well most likely

Bupe, particularly high amounts like 16 mg raise your tolerance a lot. For example, many IV heroin users can be kept out of withdrawal with 4 mg of bupe. You probably want to look at lowering the amount of subutex you take. Doctors often prescribe highe amounts, but really less is more. Read around on the boards a bit and educate yourself.

If you regularly take that much subutex, you won't OD wearing the patch as instructed.

Be careful when you go back to subutex of precipitated wd, if it's been several days since you took bupe and then take a full agonist opiate, you may experience precip wd going back to bupe ...
Thanks so much that makes me feel a whole lot better! And as far as chewing on the patch?
Well it sort of depends what patch it is. Fentanyl patches are very brand-dependent when it comes to using them for buccal use or chewing. I used to use sandoz which were very strong bucally, on the lower side were these awful apotex ones that didn't do much bucally--I believe it has to do with how the membrane is made/the matrix.

Anyway, assuming you don't have a gel patch and have one that looks like a big sticker, you can cut off maybe 1/5 of it and see....with your tolerance you're not going to OD on a fifth of a 25 mcg/hr patch. When I used them I was using 1/10 pieces at a time of 100 mcg ones or occasionally 75 mcg ones. But they were also strong brands

Be careful though...it really raises tolerance. When I started using the patches I could feel good from 10-20 mg of oxy. After a year of using patches I had to do at least 3-4 bags of h at a time (and normally more). So yeah, fentanyl is not good to use long term. One patch won't raise it much though. And like I said, you're on a high bupe dose

I did see your post in other thread just now, sorry was at work yesterday right after I posted. If you want to know anything else just post, I work full time but eventually do check in...
Thanks for all your information hun. Before I saw your reply I cut it into ten piece just to be safe lol and chewed one piece at a time and kept adding a piece. I felt a little something but didn't get high. It eased my paid tho I have a slipped disk so at least it worked for that. It was a one time thing lol. But thanks so much.
Compared to 16 mg of subutex, you would be fine wearing a 25 mcg fentanyl patch. You won't get high, but it will b enough to keep you well most likely

Bupe, particularly high amounts like 16 mg raise your tolerance a lot. For example, many IV heroin users can be kept out of withdrawal with 4 mg of bupe. You probably want to look at lowering the amount of subutex you take. Doctors often prescribe highe amounts, but really less is more. Read around on the boards a bit and educate yourself.

If you regularly take that much subutex, you won't OD wearing the patch as instructed.

Be careful when you go back to subutex of precipitated wd, if it's been several days since you took bupe and then take a full agonist opiate, you may experience precip wd going back to bupe ...

Hey. Crazy diamond,
I could find any other threads through the search engine to ask my question I need to know if I have had a cent patch on for just a few hours how long should I wait before taking my subtext?
I've read you don't have to wait because it does not have naloxone but I need to be sure. Im in chronic pain and currently trying to find a doctor to help me I can barely walk with two slipped disks. I have no more patches those were gave to me? Can I take off the patch and take my subtext???
You got some rough time coming because you can't just take the Subutex yet as it is the buprenorphine alone which will cause you to have precipitated withdrawals.

Good luck as you have to wait until withdrawals from Fentanyl start to appear and then you can switch into bupe. I know your pain though as I have been for years in pain due slipped discs and similar spinal cord injuries. Luckily fent has short half life and you have only done few patches.

Anyhow you might want to check if using pain killers recreationally is worth it when you are in need of pain management. Trust me it isn't.
You got some rough time coming because you can't just take the Subutex yet as it is the buprenorphine alone which will cause you to have precipitated withdrawals.

Good luck as you have to wait until withdrawals from Fentanyl start to appear and then you can switch into bupe. I know your pain though as I have been for years in pain due slipped discs and similar spinal cord injuries. Luckily fent has short half life and you have only done few patches.

Anyhow you might want to check if using pain killers recreationally is worth it when you are in need of pain management. Trust me it isn't.

I only used one patch for 24 hrs.
Have the rest away from fear of getting addicted. I took the patch off at 8:00am this morning when may I take my text? And I plan to only start with s say 2mg....
Please answer ASAP
And thanks for answering and your information.
As soon as you are feeling real withdrawals which may take for a while. In the literature it is often considered that four half lifes are needed atleast until it is safe. Half life for IV/IM fentanyl is 10 to 20mins but transdermal sticks differently to your skin layers before entering to your bloodstream and has half life of 20 to 27 HOURS.

As it was just one patch then I guess it might take much shorter time than roughly four days.

Best is to wait for real wds to happen.
Well it depends. First off forget about the naloxone. Precipitated wd comes from the bupe itself, be it suboxone or subutex.

Second. How long has it been since the last time you took subutex? If its been 3 days or LESS you would still have the sub in your system and can take more sub at any time. If it has been longer then you must wait until the fent is off your receptors/until you are in wd, just like when first inducing.

Fortunately, fent is a very fast drug to leave system/short half life. Basically just wait until you feel sick then try taking 1 mg. if you aren't thrown into wd try another mg. Go up to where you are out of wd. (And I strongly suggest NOT returning to 16 mg. that's overkill )

As long as there is still sub in your system you're safe to take sub, for future reference. If its been too long then re-induct.

And remember go up slowly like every hour or so. I'd honestly try to stay at less than 8 mg. you should be fine on 4 mg.
Well it depends. First off forget about the naloxone. Precipitated wd comes from the bupe itself, be it suboxone or subutex.

Second. How long has it been since the last time you took subutex? If its been 3 days or LESS you would still have the sub in your system and can take more sub at any time. If it has been longer then you must wait until the fent is off your receptors/until you are in wd, just like when first inducing.

Fortunately, fent is a very fast drug to leave system/short half life. Basically just wait until you feel sick then try taking 1 mg. if you aren't thrown into wd try another mg. Go up to where you are out of wd. (And I strongly suggest NOT returning to 16 mg. that's overkill )

As long as there is still sub in your system you're safe to take sub, for future reference. If its been too long then re-induct.

And remember go up slowly like every hour or so. I'd honestly try to stay at less than 8 mg. you should be fine on 4 mg.

Your advice always seems to help me.
And no it had not been 3 days since I had subutext. So I did iv some sub 2 mg. The two hours later 2mg under my tounge and I am doing fine . I do not feel any PW AT ALL.

Crzydiamond, is there a way to private msg you on here.
Good to hear I'm glad you're ok

If you want to send a message just click on the user name and a box should pop up that includes "send private message". Now, I use the full site on my phone cause I hate the mobile site. So i dont know if it's the same. If not you can go to the "Support" forum and there is a sticky that links to full site. Or ask and I'll link it. I'm lazy now cause I just woke up lol

I know that until you have 50 posts you can only send 1 pm every 3 hours or something like that. Unless it's changed. It's been a while.

But thank you for your kind words :)
know this is way off topic but I need a quick answer. I've been iving now for a few years off an on.
I am currently tapering off the needle if that makes sense. It's the needle that's addictive for me not the rush. Anyways Ived my sub earlier and DID NOT MISS but it was a small small vein (all my veins are I have to run my arm under hot water every time just to find one) but I got blood back but may have popped through the other side of it when I went in.
