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Harm Reduction Subutex and modafinil (maybe it's nothing) but...


Dec 17, 2019
i'm experiencing like closing eyes not tired, can't think like when was starting venlafaxine in and out
like mdma comeup but never really comeup,
Got a job great yesterday-starting monday, I preped phone if need can call friend or e.r. I'm at my house but it can't be serotoninsyndrome i think
slept good last night well I never sleep good, I'm writing this like 20min even more, nauseated
ate boiled eggs and some hmmade meat 4 5 hrs ago, then took 300mg pregabs with 100mg Vigifinil Cro modafinil(best version)i tried with coffee took whole pill (subutex) this was the mistake im sure
20mins later: maybe better so I cold turkey benzos well while I had 750mg pregabs prescribed aaa like 3 months ago no I had lorazepam in need
I have prescribed 4mg subutex buprenorphine but I take like 0,5mg avery day 3 weeks from now, and yeah I'm out of Concerta a week now, it's pricey
and pharmacy didn't couldnt get it but in monday-
these thing come in waves wtf
So I asked my psych to give me modafinil 4 days ago and was max 200mg a day it was like popeye ate spinach, she's best
She gave me prescribed me clonidine but in Cro we don't have it on list of meds..nwm to combat lowering pregabs and one hell with lowering dose of bupe to 0,5 was like 2-3 days nothng worked
I feel okay now just a smal hazy,fogy but who nows maybe the wave is coming-joke or not...
I m aware of enzymes and maybe i even feel bupe different like it's gone faster
What do you think about moda substitute Concerta, and the mix bupe and moda? never I had this prob. I'm just dizzy now
I will lay down a lil bit.
It's very difficult to understand what you're saying or asking.
Pregabalin, bupe and Clonidine sounds like a risky combo. I'm not so sure the modafinil is responsible here, it sounds like a bit of a cocktail, but I'm not a doctor.
Used to take Modafanil Analogs with Buprenorphine and it was a good combination, was pretty tolerant to Bupe at the time tho so I felt the stimulation more. Mixing Bupe and Lyrica will deff make you a bit noddy but I don't think it would be that dangerous. Mixing the Clonodine in there also is a little sketchy possibly, I'd probably leave that one out the equation. With the compounds you listed you wouldn't have Seratonin Syndrome, safe in that regard. But be careful mixing so many drugs together, I've done it alot in my past also and it doesn't always end well.
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Yeah thx everything was fine after like 7hr sleep, Now I'm trying to be on smallest dose possible, but as I got this job need to be stbailised and I'm now finding sweet spot, cannot think of detoxing now! I think tiredeness and whole idea of qick changes in doses was a fator. Now I'm peachy thx