Mental Health Substituting Clonazapam to treat low dose opiate withdrawal and depression and anxiety


Sep 13, 2018
Daily for two weeks now, I have been dosing 5 mg Oxycodone twice a day. As the comedown occurs, I get so depressed that I cannot do the simplest tasks like look after my hygiene. I start my new job soon in Sales and with depressive mood; selling will be impossible plus energy will be low add anxiety to it too( heavy breathing almost an attack). I took 2mg Clonaz and no withdrawal symptoms, no depression, energized go-getter attitude resulted. I took 1 mg Clonazapam this morning and the same positive effects. How dangerous is this replacement if not mixed with opiates nor alcohol long-term. How should I dose this to not get addicted to where it’s seizure-dangerous? How many weeks? When should I stop. Several different Antidepressants had not worked in the past; SSRIs, SNRIs. Your input in greatly appreciated. I haven’t been able to hold a job longer than a couple months at a time for the entire year.

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Hey there clonazepam or any benzodiazepines are highly addictive speaking from experience withdrawing from them is hell... worse than opiates just look up Stevie Nick’s troubles. Don’t get me wrong Benzodiazepines are great! But only for the occasional high, they should not be used longer than three weeks or you will become dependent. with regards to seizures Benzos are the first line of defence to stop a seizure usually Lorazepam, although if you get dependent on Klonopin and stop taking it you will have seizures, speaking from experience here I stoped cold turkey and had two siezures, on serious one while I was in the A&E, I literally got up of my chair fell and all I remember is about 4 nurses and two doctors rushing to put me on a bed inject me with lorazepam, it was quite dramatic and ended in a three day hospital visit. My advice don’t even touch benzodiazepines, ask your doctor for Pregabalin or Ritalin. But weed is always the best for a comedown.

peace & love
Weed gives me panic attacks and psychosis for a day and a half. Never tried 100% CBD joint yet. I can’t function on Ritalin; I start tweeking out in 2.5 hours after dosing then I get suicidal depressive thoughts. Help! Only kpins have helped with my opiate withdrawals and anxiety and depression.
I get where you’re coming from maybe stimulants aren’t for you. **mod edit - please dont recommend drugs. simply state it worked for you, like this**: Pregabalin / Lyrica is much less addictive and worked wonders for me. If you’re in the US I’m sure your doctor will easily prescribe you this. It’s a bit harder to get here in the UK. Ultimately the best option is to go through CBT therapy with your Psychiatrist.
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Also propranolol, doctors love prescribing this, it’s non addictive and is suppose to help anxiety, works for some people but I found it useless.
The thing is, irrespective of the concerns mentioned by goodland3600, I WANT to and WILL use them -already having started last evening already. I will use 1mg kpin per day for 2.5 weeks then take a break. Any safe-use advice on that dosage for my severe symptoms other than “don’t even touch benzos...” would be greatly appreciated.
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Have you tried somthing maybe like lyrica/ a gabapentinoid, that might be better suited to your needs, with less of an addictive/ phyiscal dependency risk. 10mg oxy/day isn't all that much though, you shouldn't be substituting that little amount with benzos, if it were 60, 80, 100 sure that would be understandable but you're using somthing far too strong for something that isn't too bad. Look into Phenibut if you can't obtain any gabapentin/pregabalin. it's accessible and freely sold online, isn't as strong as either depending on how you use it and will aid with the anxiety and what not