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Suboxen IVing, swollen red skin concerns


Oct 21, 2016
So I'm extremely new to dabbling with IVing drugs & started about a week ago.

I took suboxene orally for the first time as given to me by the person I'm seeing and their friend.

I probably took a quarter of a 8mg and it had me feeling really nice, so I started IVing with them. They are both ex heroine users after years of use. So I guess i sort of figured they knew how to be safe about this stuff to some degree. Obviously I know this stuff is dangerous and will admit I'm going thru some bad depression stuff and kind of stopped worrying about my well being enough (to share needles and start IVing drugs) so I know how ignorant this was... how worried should I be though?

The first week of IVing suboxene (about 4mg a day) I felt fine and the veins seemed to return to normal. Now I'm starting to get fever and chills, insomnia, and the last two places of injections are pretty swollen. I also think I'm anemic which might be making it worse ? (I've been bruising easily a lot all over my body lately, and at injection sites) I'm just really worried cause one of the sites is from 47 hours ago and still feels and looks swollen and is hot to the touch. This person swears I'm fine and they know what they are doing, I just really don't want permanent nerve damage and I'm starting to worry about accessing cause of the fever and side effects ?

Also worth noting they've been using cotton to filter the suboxene, and we don't replace needles with every use. At one point the needle was quite dull
I'm just really worried cause one of the sites is from 47 hours ago and still feels and looks swollen and is hot to the touch.

off to A&E you go.
that person might think they know what they're doing but it sounds sloppy as fuck. you should be using micron filters and replacing needles, i know you probably know this already but come on man.

have you considered plugging the pills instead? it works really well for buperenorphine
Haha. Well the sites don't feel too warm anymore and I'm really not wanting to have to tell a doctor cause they might take away my anti anxieties which I need. So I'm hoping the swelling goes down? I've never used or seen someone use IV drugs until I tried them so the first time I just let them do what they were doing, tho the first time the needle looked dirty and I kept calling out how unhygienic they were being and they kept saying "it's fine we've been doing this for years" and that's why I started researching here and found out it's pretty sketchy as I suspected... honestly not sure what plugging means... I do plan to get the filters though, should I do it again.
Yo... so you weren't even addicted to other opioids and just basically jumped into IVing subs a week after taking them orally? by orally I am assuming you meant sublingual, under the tongue how they are actually designed to be done... I cant lie, I hate taking them sublingual, so I began messing with sniffing them(suboxone tabs both the old stop sign brand name, and the generics, and one generic was good, the rest sucked, it was white with a half moon logo on one side. and a number on the other, but cant discuss generics here.. so that's all I will say, but that was the best one, whether you were abusing them(sniffing, IV, etc.) or taking them sublingual.) That is bad enough man, I would quit while your ahead, you sound like you are new to this, IV drug use, and its not a good path to go down... and to make things worse, you are not only re-using points, which I have done many times in the past, but thankfully have a friend who can get me new ones whenever! No pharmacies(well only one, that I know of and its to far without a car, which I don't have atm) will sell them to just anyone and we don't have a needle exchange in my area.. so I can relate on that, but never have I shared needles! Very bad idea, whoever those people are your chilling with, obviously don't care about themselves or you, if they are sharing needles, saying its no big deal.. IT is a big deal, I really hope your bleaching them out!! Very easy to contract dangerous illnesses and bacterial infections that way.. like Hepatitis C, HIV, and AIDS! No joke.. who REALLY knows what kind of shit they have, if they share dirty needles on the regular.. I would advise you to either A.) Stop while you still can, and just take it sublingual, if that isn't cutting it, sniff it, or plug it, which are way less harmful ROAs to use sub, and work very well, especially plugging(using a needleless syringe to administer the drug rectally, or up the butt, in a liquid solution much like you would make to use them IV.).. its damn near close to what IV sub feels like, feeling wise, and kicks in within like 5-10mins after administering it! May sound a bit awkward to do, but its worth it! and B.) IF you must keep slamming them, get some clean needles, and don't share them!!! Use micron filters IF POSSIBLE, I cant easily get access to them so I just filter through a tightly rolled cotton, usually 2-3 times, until I have a crystal clear solution, when I slam my subutex... I have been slamming it daily for years now.. and wish I never got addicted to doing it... but I cant make my self stop now... so just know, you are playing with not just fire, but a pile of dynamite, next to that fire.. by sharing, dirty, used needles, and starting to use drugs IV in general(which on its own is bad enough.)
I would definitely change your ways... if I were you, I wouldn't have ever done what you are doing if I was, but I am not, so its all up to you.. but all I can say is you will end up in a bad place, if you don't clean up your IV drug use practice, it is SO bad I will say AGAIN to share dirty dull used rigs with other people, bad enough to even re-use them without sharing... Also, do you know how to properly IV them? that's one reason why you could have missed and have a swelled up arm, by not angling the syringe at the correct angle, just a slight angle, maybe 25-30 degree angle.. I really hope you aren't just hitting your veins at like a 90 degree angle like some, new IV users think its done... that is stupid and harmful. Really... think about this shit, and your future for a minute, and decide if this is really what you want, because I can tell you from first person, hands on experience as an IV drug user of many years, it doesn't get better, only worse... and more impulsive and addicting..
You should really get to the hospital as quickly as possible. You could very easily have a systemic infection, which would explain the feverish symptoms. Complications from injection drug use are no joke. The sky is literally the limit. You could be a little tender and swollen for a few days or you could end up with your arm amputated, on life support, receiving IV antibiotics 24/7 as Doctors desperately try to save you from death.

It really just depends which route you want to go at this point. Everything could resolve on its own, no harm no foul... or it might not. Everything else that we can provide for you is going to consist of emotional support.
It is quite literally like playing the lottery. sharing needles and possibly contracting a disease or even just the type of bacteria that manages to take hold. It could just be a minor form of streptococcous or even a highly virulant form of strep. I would advise you to get it checked out sooner rather than later, yes it's humiliating but it could be necessary.