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Benzos Sublingual "technique"


Jul 15, 2019
Hey all,

I brought this up a couple of months ago, but since then I only take my Clonazepam sublingually. I told my Psychiatrist it works better and now I get these wafer-type pills with no coating that dissolve (intentionally?) easier and quicker. Is this brand meant to be taken this way? All prior Clonazepam had a score to cut in half but not these ones.20191129_095338-1512x2016.jpg20191129_095352-1512x2016.jpg

And so here goes my questions. Some days if the PTSD is unbearable, I feel I overthink it and my mouth produces water. Then I feel anxious I am losing the medication. But today, as stressed as all hell, I focused on turning my brain off. Behold, literally no water production. It dissolved today in 3 minutes. It says everywhere I can find 10 minutes is ideal for this method.

Sorry if I am being manic right now, definitely don't feel that way. But are these exact brand meant to be taken sublingually? If it dissolves in 3 minutes fully. Why the 10 minute suggestion? I was on Suboxone for years and I know when the medicine has all absorbed under my tongue and these take 3 minutes on a good day so I am wondering if I am losing medicine by going about my day and drinking water or whatever after.

As important if not more; onset. Everybody says it takes an hour for these to work. I feel these (when taken sublingually) EXACTLY as fast as Alprazolam (when taken orally). For reference; Oxycodone hits me in 10 minutes and only lasts 3 hours. Does my metabolism alter this dramatically that I am getting relief faster but for less time?

Again, sorry for being all over the place. But no comparison, sublingual is miles ahead. Any insight is appreciated. Hope all who celebrate had a Happy Thanksgiving. Bless all of you. Take care
Also, when it comes to redosing:

I find 2MG to help anxiety and PTSD and literally will not exceed that dose. But then sometimes I need to redose in 4 hours. This is not normal. Should I try 3MG at once, would that actually work better than 4MG split? Thanks again
i have them but 1 mg it never say`s anywhere they are sublingual i know it works but i just eat mine )
I take clonazepam too and I also have found that using them sublingual works better also.
They have lasted just as long using them sublingual as swallowing them whole for me.

It looks like you just got whatever the pharmacy had in stock. I have been given ones that look different.
Lately, I have been getting ones that are blue with no coating and they work the best for me. Seem a lot stronger and dissolve easily.
I just hold them under my tongue and in my mouth until I have to swallow due to mouth watering.

I wouldn’t worry that you are loosing any medication. You aren’t. Not unless you fall asleep and it seeps out the side of your mouth.
I have had that one happen before.
Just go about your normal day, drink water etc.
Although, I do avoid drinking or eating anything for about 15 minutes after I let them dissolve and swallow to let any lingering medication in my mouth soak in.

Clonazepam (Klonopin) is long lasting so I think you could take a bigger dosage all at once if you need to.
I would do that when you are having bad flare ups. Then stick to breaking up the time in between on better days.
That way you get a stronger effect when you really need it.

Hope you are doing well and had a Happy Thanksgiving my friend.
clonazepam can be effective sublingually, but in my experience it's best swallowed, or crushed then thrown under the tongue
I feel these (when taken sublingually) EXACTLY as fast as Alprazolam (when taken orally)
yep same results that i notice, but it doesn't hit quite as hard as xans, thats why i prefer it over kpins
Oxycodone hits me in 10 minutes and only lasts 3 hours. Does my metabolism alter this dramatically that I am getting relief faster but for less time?
if i remember correctly you're only on Oxycodone for pain relief? 3 hours isn't too bad all things considered (rather have that then nothing right?) buuuuut, maybe you should ask for something like dilaudid, it works as quick as oxy, but i find it lasts longer when i take it alone vs oxy alone
Although all generic brand clonazepam tabs have a very bearable taste (that one learns to love) and I dose my clonazepam sublingually 90% of the time, I think it's cool that you told your provider you prefer sublingual dosing.

Also rather than just telling you to just take the normal generics sublingual, he wrote you for orally disintegrating tablets which I've never tried.