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Stories of Synchronicity


Jul 18, 2012
I've been noodling this idea for a week and it still feels good, so I'm rolling with it.

I am working on a collection self-descriptively entitled 'Stories of Synchronicity' (tentative), and I am looking for your best story of synchronicity, the best example you have experienced in your life in which seemingly everything comes together, and in which the absurdly improbable alignment/connection of these events appears supernatural/magical or otherwise rationally unexplainable as mere coincidence. The story can basically be about anything so long as an absurd level of connection is drawn.

I'm posting this in the Psychedelics forum because it seems for one reason or another (I plan to discuss those reasons in the book) psychedelics have a way of multiplying synchronicity. I have read many trip reports of mind-blown people and their experience as such. I myself have noted this consistently in my trips. This thread is not for discussing the possible explanation of this phenomenon. I'm only seeking the submission of your story. Credit will be given where due, whether by your real name or an alias. I'm not planning on selling this collection, merely sharing it online freely.

The zero point of my story, in which all is connected, is when a bird flew into my kitchen window smack dab in front of my face one week ago as I simultaneously felt an indescribable sense of significance, like all points forward and backward from that time somehow lead to that moment....The wood thrush died on impact, but his message, his 'swan song' was not lost on me. I took some pictures (I had not identified his type at that point), cried for a few minutes while I held him in my hand, and then offered him to the forest as a meal for another (indeed his body was gone that night). The events that occurred after that point involved so much synchronicity I must write a short story about it to cope with the magnitude of the experience.
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Always a fun topic. Synchronicity. :)

I remember one situation in 1997 where I was flying to Florida to go visit my Dad. At the time I was reading John C Lilly The Scientist and at that point in my life was getting very interested in cetaceans, dolphins, whales etc. I also had come upon a website called The Divine Dolphin just before this trip. There was a particular phrase used to describe synchronicity along with dolphins called "dolphinicity". They were coincidences that included dolphins. So I am on the plane, it hadn't taken off yet and was pondering something I has just seen in the book as well as the term dolphinicities. The whole notion of coincidences including dolphins that had it's own word made up for it was neat, well at that moment I was fascinated. As I am pondering and looking up from the book and the screen where they were going to show the movies once the plane took off came on for about 2 minutes. I am day dreaming and still thinking about coincidence. Well the screen started off blue, I am watching this with interest. A small point in the blue starts getting closer and closer and now I can make out the shape. The blue was the ocean and the shape was a dolphin jumping up out of the water, smiling and then winking (at me it seemed) and then went back under the water and then the screen turned off for another hour. So to me that was a true dolphinicity. :D I was moved, and as the day went on, being in Florida it seemed everyone had a Miami Dolphins tee shirt. Crazy day, like synchronistic bubbles the rest of the day.

I know synchronicity only happens when I do the ground work. They don't come out of the blue (no pun intended with the dolphin story). But ground work has to be layed out by the person experiencing it. It usually only has meaning to the person experiencing the coincidence due to that prior ground work being set. I think the ground work is the most fascinating part with the actually synchronicity just being the cherry on the cake.

I have a million more, but that day still stands out very clear. Thanks Vortech for the topic and interesting samples.
Nice one! Indeed, I like the notion of having a unique word for a specific kind of synchonicity; in my case it is was birdicity. I feel compelled to coin a new expression to honor the wood thrush that kamikaze'd into my window. Something along the lines of all the other bird idioms that already exist. Wood Thrush is already famous in a way. Many people have written about the bird, in particular Henry David Thoreau who had great reverence for its songs:

"The thrush alone declares the immortal wealth and vigor that is in the forest…Whenever a man hears it he is young, and Nature is in her spring; wherever he hears it, it is a new world and a free country, and the gates of Heaven are not shut against him.

"This is the only bird whose note affects me like music. It lifts and exhilarates me. It is inspiring. It changes all hours to an eternal morning."

"Hearing his song will make the tired and feeble, feel young at heart, once again...He touches a depth in me which no other bird’s song does,”
and he called the wood thrush “a Shakespeare among birds.”

"I long for wildness, a nature which I cannot put my foot through, woods where the wood thrush forever sings, where the hours are early morning ones, and there is dew on the grass, and the day is forever unproved, where I might have a fertile unknown for a soil about me. "
I've got better, longer examples but here's quite a cool short one.

My friends and I were tripping on LSD for the first time, and I was drinking a can of energy drink. It tasted really disgusting and I was like why the fuck am I drinking this, so I crumpled it and threw it on the ground, and when it hit, the whole thing puffed back up and resealed. I guess the sudden explosion of carbonation on impact pushed the tab back in place and then uncrumpled the can with the air pressure. Was weird as fuck at the time.
I can imagine the amazement Terarc...the probability of that occurring is certainly absurd and probably wouldn't be recreated if attempted 10000 times.

When you get the time I would love to read your longer story for inclusion in this collection.
To follow up my initial post, it can be called coincidence or a continuance of synchronicity, either way I am sad to report that another wood thrush hit the same window yesterday...just ten days after the last one...this time my father was the one to witness it...he didn't think it was anything other than random and even thought it was strange that I was so interested in taking pictures of the bird afterwards...and then giving it a ceremony of reverence for its life and peaceful passing into the next world. It involved whistling and chanting in harmony with the surrounding bird songs and a ritual of offering to the forest, that an animal may find it for his next meal.
Hopefully my parents are now convinced that it would be appropriate to put some decals on the window to inform birds that it is not a 'portal to the next world'. I have been upset with my mom that she initially refused to sacrifice a small portion of her view into the forest in order to save birds' lives.
If you have seen the film "I origins" (recomended) It happened something in the same lines. Im reading an ebook and decide to take a break to smoke. I look at total pages and it were 444. I was reading page 44. When take the ecig i look at the hour and it´s 4:44AM (shit!). I look a supermarket tiket in the table and it was 14.44€. I start panic, get massive goosebumps, heart racing, and of pry for it to stop.

Fast forward two weeks. Im iniciating a friend into psychedelics. I report him this episode. We sit in my car and the clock marks 21:44. I look at the plate of the car in front and the license plate has a 44. I start the car and the next car has another 44. And the next one... guess that? Has another bloody 44!.

Since then I have seen 44´s everywhere, specially in significant moments, but that ones were totally out the roof