Mental Health SSRI Withdrawal syndrome while following dr's orders.


Jan 23, 2015
I have been taking Zoloft 100mG BID for at least 10 years. I have been feeling more depressed, sad, unmotivated lately and my Dr and I decided to taper off while starting Wellbutrin. I am experiencing the brain zings, hot flashes, night sweats, panic attacks, and diarrhea.

I have been an RN for 20 years and this is something I have never come across in clinical practice.

I know the first thing you all will say is that I'm tapering too quickly and I agree. But I'm not willing to start over and potentially face the same thing all over again.

Have any of you found anything that helps significantly with these symptoms? Any idea how long this shit may last? I am so frustrated.
From what i've seen you need to do a slow taper down over a couple of months if you are having issues like that with SSRI's. You might want to ask your doc to put you on another if you plan on staying on ssri's.
Why not add bupropion to sertraline and take them both? Nortriptyline could also combine well with sertraline. Id either ask about tapering down slowly or getting a small amount of fluoxetine added to help withdrawal. bupropion alone might not do the trick over the long haul if you really need an SSRI.