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Spiritually and Real Experiences Beyond just Theory


Jan 28, 2012
Hey all,

To begin I would like to apologize in advance if this post is misguided, inappropriate or OT for this section. I am new to this area or section of the forum and am hoping any post on spiritually in any form would be accepted and ok for this section, but if not apologize. Also its a bit long but should be interesting if you have the time to read through.

I also couldn't find any answers or feedback specific to my more general query via search so i thought i would just make a post. So thanks for to all reading for your time, for listening and much love and respect to all of you in advance.

I have not posted on BL in a long while compared to my usual posting frequency in the past. Probably 2-3 months or more. I usually frequented OD section each week and might be remembered for (hopefully amusing and entertaining but more then likely....) insane and annoying meth related posts and related rants with much hard to understand tweaker nonsense and random mutterings.

Anyways, over the last few months something has clicked and i have left the drugs for a while and been entirely focused, fascinated and constructively obsessed with spiritual topics. And im more talking about pure or generic/non denominational advanced active spirituality (for lack of a better word so no offense meant) meaning nothing related to specific religions, socially accepted spiritual teachings and other spiritual aspects that might be considered as more mainstream, socially acceptable or "normal".

Just to clarify im talking as an example : Ascension, multidimensional awareness, hermetic magic and related, the higher self and spirit guides, energy work and energy manipulation, orgonite and etheric warfare, astral/mental projection, the earth now transcending into the 5th dimension, elemental beings, spiritual conspiracy considerations such as the illuminati and reptilians, ET's and star seeds, Ashtar Command etc.

Now im not really wanting to start a debate or argument on facts or beliefs or claim i am right or anything like that and hope you will read on even if some of the above sounds like crap to you. Its really just an example of the areas of research/interest and doesn't mean i accept it all as fact. Im just reviewing everything and extracting facts using my personal discernment and intuition.

Rather I always make sure to read and consider everything with an open mind and reserve pre or ignorance based judgement wherever possible and am initially happy to consider anything and then go from there.

And honestly, thats the only way to learn, by first trying to learn, understand and then making your own mind up meaning never accepting what you are told by others or society or those you are told you should trust (i know most everybody on this forum understands the extent of lies, deception and propaganda bombarding us every single day in normal life).

We all have our own beliefs and a critical thing i learnt was that there are many related perspectives, spiritual belief's , paths to ascension, spiritual progression etc and the more i learnt the more i totally respect and accept any and all opinions, arguments and personal viewpoints, perceptions and faiths.

So with that said and made 100% clear, I will get to the point but first a short experience story is needed. There is a spiritual related point and question related to this at the conclusion of the "short" story which is needed. It is a bit lengthy so apologies in advance.

If my example sounds like bull thats cool, just try at least answer my ending question or give your opinion which will be appreciated and respected since, as i said, i am open to anything, even the opinion that i am totally off track or certifiably nuts.

I will try to explain an example that illustrates a common experience I always had that made me certain there was more to ourselves and human consciousness then we night think, and that is also also beyond being able to simply write of and explain as some some random illusion of being high or intoxicated...

One of the smaller reasons i got on the spiritual path was due to noticing on meth the perception or indication of some sort of strange but powerful increase in mental capability or consciousness enhancement which i eventually perceived as real and totally consistent after many many experiences with constant monitoring and related sober analysis, research and sober third party confirmations.

I will also say that this prob happens for most meth users but since i always do it in high doses totally alone in my room at night in the dark without any distraction, i may have noticed and considered this effect more then other users who likely engage in more fun activity (distracting them from more subtle effects) when using.

I noticed this above mentioned effect on meth many times, experienced as having this ability to create multiple additional versions of conscious focus or thought processes, or the ability to perceive and monitor up to 3-4 or separate powerful but fully conscious analysis processes that could work on completely separate ideas, problems thought processes etc at the same time with the same level of skill or higher as when you would normally only be able to focus on one process with your entire attention, at other normal sober times.

Except now it was multiple processes with full conscious skill working fully at the same time while your main consciousness was another completely separate aspect totally unengaged and could be a completely separate entity or process that will relax or easily watch, monitor and manage these different breakaway conscious processes and receive the conclusions, results or "answers" from these other thought processes as simple answers or as very simple single statement output results without needing to be engaged in the processing and analysis of any of the initial data at all.

Programmers, developers, technical persons will know what i mean when i say that these separate processes where similar to 3-4 separate stand alone servers with totally separate processing power and resources with zero reliance on the main system, working on a problem and then when the results where ready, simply delivering the "answer" or conclusion or "result" to the main system or controlling process as a very simple easily translatable or analyzed result that can be used immediately without any further processing analysis by the main system.

An example of the result of this I had often was when considering a broad problem, initiating this multiple conscious problem solving processes along different possible paths to the solution and then sitting back waiting for results with a totally quiet wandering unengaged mind on the foreground.

Then as the answers would come in, I would be able to write down or receive them as if they where simply delivered in perfectly simple articulated English language that could be written down or spoken aloud as if they where being read out to me by another person, or as if i was a typing out or writing words dictated to me by somebody standing behind me reading out exactly what needs to be written, word for word.

No thought needed, no understanding, simply results delivered to the mind as if received via the ears, no matter if it was understood or not by the main conscious mind. I would get amazing real answers (even valid when reviewing sober myself and by others) and conclusions delivered like this that there was no way i knew normally or would have been able to work out with my normal conscious sober mind.

Ok, anyways, that was hard to explain so it got a bit long but the point is this happened, i would sit and write out this stuff and would analyze the results when sober, have others analyze it, sober people, people who didnt do drugs, my mother, friends who would disown me if they knew i used drugs, and the results of this was astounding and consistent, real and not gibberish (more often the not) in terms of the quality of data that could be obtained without any conscious focus, effort and in far less time the single minded sober conscious focus etc.

So the point is i realized the brain can do amazing things, beyond your wildest imagination of what we might think is possible for ourselves that are not geniuses or famous philosophers.

But i realized getting there with drugs made it uncontrollable, not worth it due to consequences/distortions, unreliable/questionable results etc. It seemed to give a sneak peek through a dirty hazy window at the seemingly endless possibilities of the human mind and soul with just enough doubt and mistrust in the reality of your results to dissuade all but the serious seeker in the possibility of any of it being real at all and not just a awesome fantastic daydream or drug induced illusion.

OK, I got through that thank god! Thanks for those still with me. Now i have been working on intense spiritual training and research including attunements, initiations, dormant junk DNA activations, increased brain usage beyond the infamous "10%", resulting in amazing experiences etc and have managed to begin to replicate some of these performance enhancing capabilities totally drug free (not even sleeping tabs or alcohol, absolutely zero drugs), including increased psychic abilities, large measurable IQ increases, astral (and beyond) travel/OBE experiences, increased intuition, thought manifestation abilities etc. And i was totally skeptical, logical non spiritual religion hating drug user yet i cant deny the results of these activities.

I noticed with all of this stuff that spiritual experiences actually feel very natural and might even be missed or written off as something else, coincidence, drug effects, side effects etc. I noticed enhancing consciousness and seemingly magikal or psychic abilities integrate so easily and comfortably it seems like they where there all along or its part of you, natural and nothing at all like an extra, addon or supernatural ability that you need to first learn to understand, deal with or manage. Even when totally sober and drug free like i was.

Its like when you start putting on weight (or loosing it). It happens so slowly and sneakily that you only realize how different (fatter you are) at some critical mass point in the future, usually when a friend you havent seen in some time expresses how much weight you put on since they last saw you. To them the difference is obvious but to you its not since you integrate and adjust to the miniscule change every day you look in the mirror, with no major obvious change noticeable to you.

It seems these "gifts" come complete with built in experience, understanding, comfort etc, like as if instead of learning to drive a car, you suddenly instantly got downloaded with the capability and all possible experience leanings and could then instantly drive without a second thought on why and how you suddenly had this ability. You simply accepted it as totally normal and would only question it where somebody aggressively pointed out that you couldn't do this yesterday. Hard to explain what i mean, hope this makes sense.

I realized many experiences i remember when on drugs could be causing access to the mystical and spiritual but because of the natural way these things feel and instantly integrate, you dont even realize something more is there, working, accessible, available, something beyond feeling high, beyond illusion, beyond a drug induced fantasy. Very hard to identify but that doesn't mean its not real.

Last quick example. When i was high on meth in my room before all this, i used to get these instant weird impressions that there where "gnomes" outside in the garden having a fukin party or doing their thing, not a thought process or extended fantasy, but like an instant thought impression or mental picture interrupting other more entertaining thoughts, like a metal snapshot of this idea annoying me.

I used to think it was totally insane, fucking gnomes, seriously, that's just dumb, forget that shit and get back to XXX... But now that i am aware of the elemental kingdom and elemental beings in the 4th dimension (astral) and higher dimensions and specifically the earth elemental spirits (for this example), i wonder if back then i was somehow tapping into astral clairvoyance on a very basic impression level. I am certain many totally real spiritual experiences happen to drug users without them ever being taken seriously or given a second thought (and right fully so, its just so sneaking and so easy to justify and write off).

Anyways, i dont want to get into more of the above or explain or prove things or cause that type of argument or discussion and would prefer not to discuss any specifics regarding the above (initially at least). The facts, legitimacy of my experiences or concerns over my sanity are irrelevant, but hopefully serve as an example to spark interest and encourage a response from others with similar higher level spiritual experiences.

Rather my final question and point of this post is to hear from others who have perhaps had spiritual experiences from drugs (and spiritual means anything in this case, even experiences and effects you simply cant explain like my example, even if they don't seem mystical or spiritual initially (like how real spiritual stuff seems to come through, so damn unassuming) which "activated" or interested you, and if you then progressed down any spiritual paths and have any real experiences to share, no matter how crazy or nuts they might seem to be in the future.

But specifically spiritual experiences (not just theory) when not high or on drugs (not that they are any less valuable or legit but rather its more difficult to explain and therefore most would devalue it as simply the effect of the drug or the drug addicted body etc). Plus im sure there are many stories of drug related spiritual experiences so i would rather hear about non intoxication experiences but from persons who might regularly take drugs or did in the past.

Or if you have any constructive comments or experiences on the few example points of what i research and study i mentioned that's cool. I am also aware of spiritual DXM and hallucinogen experiences but since those are more common and understood i would be more interested in spiritual stuff related to other less obvious drugs or your post drug use experiences or observations.

Thanks for listening and responding. Seems even off drugs i still write long overly detailed posts lol.

Much love and respect to you all.
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So what I garner from your verbose OP is that you are asking for people's personal stories of drug or non-drug related spiritual experiences, particularly in states of seemingly expanded consciousness where there is potential awareness of other levels of reality. Additionally, given the tenor of your OP and the title of this thread, you would like these experiences to be treated as real and not debunked as complex delusions or hallucinations.

My main issue with your OP is that it's incredibly non-specific:

blight12 said:
Just to clarify im talking as an example : Ascension, multidimensional awareness, hermetic magic and related, the higher self and spirit guides, energy work and energy manipulation, orgonite and etheric warfare, astral/mental projection, the earth now transcending into the 5th dimension, elemental beings, spiritual conspiracy considerations such as the illuminati and reptilians, ET's and star seeds, Ashtar Command etc.

Each of these could potentially be their own topic. Would you consider condensing your OP into a few focus questions?
Thanks for the response. I always tend to go overboard with my posts, to much info, questions etc, apologies.

I just wanted to get feedback on any of the points mentioned, i trust this community as you guys should be able to tell the difference between real spiritual or seemingly unexplained stuff as opposed to simply physical brain or drug effect related stuff, medical conditions etc since we have more experience playing with our mind, altered conciousness and open minds then others.

I guess my intentions where:

1. To understand if the community (specifically a community where i feel at home in with other people that have a similar history of drug use) had ventured and gained value or real experiences from the general area the last posters reply quoted or any of the specific points i mentioned. I mentioned a bunch since they are all relevant and intimately related but others may have only experienced one or a few of them, so i cast the net wide.

Not making any assumptions or judgements, but just found many post drug users either trend towards spiritual experiences on drugs (like DXM etc which i am almost certain does provide real otherworldy multidimensional perception and experiences due to temporarily opening the third eye, so thus not caused by simple hallucinations or medical/unconscious/"physical brain related" non mystical experiences), which i have nothing against but its already very common and extensively documented.

Or many get into religion or related institutions with a lot of theory and teachings and study but no real spiritual/mystical experience beyond simply improving your character or "becoming a better person". Also nothing against that either (i learnt a lot and it helped greatly initially) but there is so much more to spirituality then focusing on physical third dimensional related leanings and day to day life stuff and unfortunately most main stream religions don't teach or practice/condone the more "magical" unknown / unexplained stuff with much of it being written off as evil or demonic influence etc (due to the fear of the unknown most likely).

I was the same for a while being a traditional christian at the time. So everything has its uses and while most independent or stand alone faiths are valid and helpful, It seems they might only tell part of the story or only what was helpful or relevant at that time or they keep the most paranormal/powerful stuff within the higher ranks to protect the masses. I found going beyond the comfortable and keeping an open mind / managing your fears leads to amazing things.

2. To confirm that I am not delusional or mad or going psychotic meaning my belief and experiences on the points I mentioned are not damage from previous drug use. Im sure this is not the case but it would be nice to hear from others with related confirmations.

Let me rather ask some specific questions. Im sorry if this is far out there, but i hoped members here specifically would be more open minded or experienced then other people i might be able to talk t about this stuff.

1. Does anybody astral travel/projection/out of body/ regularly and easily and confirmed/believe it is a real spiritual/paranormal experience and not a really cool dream or has some other scientific explanation

2. Opinions on dreams and those lucid dreams, are they just your mind playing tricks, (all in the head etc) or something more, like a form of astral travel. This could be experienced awake or via meditation as clairvoyance (seeing into the astral), seeing spirits, floating orbs, energy, aurus or clairaudience, hearing spirits, strange things, channeling entities, telepathy, clairsentience etc.,

3. Any familiar and have experiences with accessing/traveling beyond the 4th dimension (astral) which is quite common to the 5th (mental) or higher (up to 12 dimensions)?

4. Has anybody had experience or opinions on the newly discovered "philosophers stone" alchemy products that have been gaining popularity recently for a while. Its called ORMUS and some more powerful drug versions are called white power gold.

This is apparently the "manna from heaven" bread, contents of the ark of the covenant, used by priests in egypt to ascend etc, from the bible. You can Google "David Hudson's white powder gold" story on rediscovering this stuff. Its very scientific and he has patents pending. Plus I have tried the cheaper weaker wet products and it seems to work.

5. Has anybody ever attended one of the mystery schools or received any of the DNA activations or spiritual initiations into the schools.

6. Anybody worked with "magick", like hermetic magic, chaos magick, witchcraft, the quaballa etc and other positive forms of what is called often called occult. Yes sounds nuts but its way more common and popular and seemingly perfectly real and explainable. My research has indicated this all works via manipulating etheric/ether energy using 4th dimensional energy (like reiki) and sometimes higher levels.

7. Any had good success with manifestation techniques (like that law of attraction stuff and the secret). I understand this also etheric energy manipulation generated via adequate focus and concentration on a desired result (which strangely enough is the beginning and concepts discussed in many respected more mystical hard to believe stuff.

8. Anybody do reiki or other energy work systems, is a reiki master perhaps and had/or an attunement and can confirm working with the reiki energy and have you ever tried using the energy for anything other then healing (like telekenisis etc)

9. Trust reincarnation and the idea we are greater spiritual beings incarnating here for many lifetimes to learn or experience. Earth is a training ground idea etc.

10. The popular Spiritual ET info out there, the pladieans (sp?), sirians, indigo children etc. That there are tons of ships out there in the higher dimensions and thus not visible, assisting us.

11. The 2012 myan calendar ending indicating not the end of the world but the beginning of the end of the current situation and the start of the earth graduating from the 3rd dimension into the 5th (bypassing astral which is not needed any longer) with the process taking another 50-100 years.

Anything else fucking wierd you have experienced that you wouldnt tell anybody or post here since people would think you where mad?

I am essentially wondering the extent of awareness or interest in these and related matters since drug use and experiences for me made it all seem possible or easier to consider or test long enough to make an informed conclusion. I was wondering if this is common with other post drug users or if not.

Anyways, if nothing else some of the points i mentioned are interesting or at least entertaining to look in to. The volumes and quality of information including separate sources, confirmations, communities etc is simply to staggering to disregard or write off completely.
... i would recommend, or rather urge avoiding any and all magick/mysticism schools, and seeking out the opinions of others.

keep it simple: the simplicity of God is ever present - the confusion of man is what's so evident.

the second thing i would recommend is mouna silence(if possible) at least to help purge confusing unnecessary information, and any unidentified thoughts suppressed in the subconscious.

thirdly find a reputable kundalini yoga instructor, especially someone who offers private classes.

I was the same for a while being a traditional christian at the time. So everything has its uses and while most independent or stand alone faiths are valid and helpful, It seems they might only tell part of the story or only what was helpful or relevant at that time or they keep the most paranormal/powerful stuff within the higher ranks to protect the masses. I found going beyond the comfortable and keeping an open mind / managing your fears leads to amazing things.

"Do not be amazed!"

"He whom has ears to hear the infinite, let him hear."
- Jesus

2. To confirm that I am not delusional or mad or going psychotic meaning my belief and experiences on the points I mentioned are not damage from previous drug use. Im sure this is not the case but it would be nice to hear from others with related confirmations.

Let me rather ask some specific questions. Im sorry if this is far out there, but i hoped members here specifically would be more open minded or experienced then other people i might be able to talk t about this stuff.

Anything else fucking wierd you have experienced that you wouldnt tell anybody or post here since people would think you where mad?

Mathew 18:10-14
The Parable of the Wandering Sheep

10 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

12 “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?

13 And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off.

14 In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.
^. Thanks for the info.

Very much of my research has actually included the awakening and raising of the kundalini in a safe but accelerated manner. It seems every magick or spiritual path of merit discusses the concept of kundalini in one way or another and im certain its the root of activating many of these gifts. Thanks for mentioning it.

Research has indicated that the regular techniques such as yoga, meditation, energy work in the body like Qigong etc can definitely do this through the raising of consciousness and access to higher dimensional and spiritual energy, however it is very slow and can take a long time to get results.

And yes certinally you dont want to rush it in a silly way since there are many stories of very bad results forcing this process, but it seems there are a few ways to escalate this process safely. I will report back if this works though, rather then providing potentially dangerous info here first.
I ponder the the actuality of intuition on meth. It seems that awareness can create devasting gaps of consciousness unable to cope with realities of their "sins" or even the threat of success. I say this in hyperbole. But it would seem that the saddest and most fearful seem to gravitate towards it. And I wonder about the self induced masichism of drug use.
I feel the if all fear is abandoned of the abyss then it can erupt into a splendid garden of delight. But it seems that perhaps the hightend sense of reality creates truths that many of us are unwilling to face and thus creates the sense of guilt and mistrust of oneself. Therefore creating a cycle and compounding of fear thereby forcing oneself into lower realms of conciousness. It would seem that drug use for spiritual elevation is congruent to ones affinity for personal fulfillment and success. I feel that you cannot be afraid the what you do not understand but embrace it with a warm and innocent heart. To void ones ego is the truest calling of all sages, but the repudiation that we are all an interconnected entity free and captive simultaneously creates the sense of self. Therefore the urge to expAmd oneself beyond itself is the calling to "use". And this may be from a point of defense mechanisms at full mast, but nevertheless I have myself received guiding light that it has become hard to swallow.

I feel that ice has come into my life to make me realize that my wife Is a sociopath. And I feel if I don't sever this tie with her I will be caught in the cycle of addiction. As it
Were a beacon of a reality that seems all too probable. It seems as if a blaring alarm is sounding in my head that she isn't even aware of her own soul. She lies without reservation, because many people fully Devoted
To the character. And I question how much of this is my willingness to kill this and how Much of it is her
Will to deceive me? In other words am I willing her detachment through this boosted awareness, or am I just now seeing what i was blind to?
OP, this is an interesting discussion - and timely for me - as I was reading yesterday about Dr. Timothy Leary who said that LSD could expand people's minds and even went so far as to say it could cause spiritual awakenings. This isn't a new concept. The Shaman people have been using it for millennia in the form of peyote cactus and other psychoactive substances. So I'll tell you a story:

When I was 17 years old, I met up with this kid at college who saw LSD in the same light as Leary. He was an interesting guy and far more mature than his years being of my same age. We decided on one random night, after a particular heavy trip (10+ hits each), that we were going to jump on a Greyhound bus and go to Haight-Ashbury in SF to live as modern hippies. As we were in Massachusetts, you can imagine how long this took on a bus. And 20 years ago - no cell phones to speak of and distract you. Just the people on the bus.

So at about day 2, he and I decided to redose a larger amount of the LSD. When we reached somewhere in Ohio, my friend managed (again, he was 17) to convince about 10 people on the bus that we were going to go against the establishment as a group! Not allow anyone to tell us what to do! We somehow got these 10 strangers, at 2:30 in the morning in a bus station, to affix the small white trash bags hanging on the back of bus seats to their heads like hats and walk around the bus station with them on like a weird cult.

While this wasn't directly spiritual for me, it seemed to be for them. So it even shows that altered consciousness can affect sober folks when the energy is in the air.

Crazy, huh?
I woke up or came back on July 6, 2016 from a spiritual experience. I saw my body laying belly down from across the room. How can I explain...as I was watching me going out of my body, I felt what was happening as well. As I got out of my body I felt like I was going someplace where there was intense energy, light, lightness, but then I quickly went back to my body (like I was waking from a falling dream) I was scared to go to the intensity. 2 times i saw and felt myself leave my body and return. It was physical bliss. Most of me wanted to go, felt intense euphoria when I woke up, couldn't move and didn't want to. I wanted the feeling to last and it did for days.

There's much more to tell. Later.