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Misc Soma and Lyrica combo?


Oct 9, 2019
Has anyone here used Lyrica with Soma?
Is it a bad idea to have some Soma at Lyrica Peak? I like Soma and I also enjoy Lyrica. I only took 300mg of lyrica half an hour ago (I haven't taken it in a while, yesterday I only took 75mg) So ... what do they say about the combo? ruin the whole effect of Lyrica? I only think of taking 1 or 2 Soma's of 350mg
Well, I took 875mg of soma in the peak of Lyrica, the truth is that they did not add anything interesting, I do not know if it is the combo itself, but SOMA did not add anything that is worth trying. Soma added some relaxation to Lyrica, but nothing more. A few hours later, I take tramadol and now I am nodding and relaxed. I think the soma and lyrica added some relaxation to the tramadol, maybe a little more euphoria as well. I did a threesome with my girlfriend (I'm in an open relationship of 3, with my 2 best friends) and it was great. I do not recommend this for someone without tolerance.