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Smoking weed with mdma

I enjoyed it when I smoked weed. Kicks it up to a whole new level! Slightly psychedelic, super happy relaxed feeling for me. We would usually blaze fat the whole roll. Drop pills, smoke about 30 mins later, smoke during peak, and during the come down. Nowadays I'd rather just straight roll, ganja makes me a lazy Un productive member of society.
I like to enjoy the MDMA high for a couple of hours or so before smoking. After I've peaked, though, weed starts sounding reeeeally nice. I've noticed though that once I smoke, I become significantly more disoriented and things do start to get "trippier" as others have mentioned. I especially like weed the morning after.
I would Never ever Touch Anyother Drug without Weed and if I did I would NO-WHERE NEARLY ENJOY IT AS MUCH!
YES for weed towards the end of your roll. It will also help get you hard.
I like to smoke weed after the roll. A nice thing about smoking after rolling is that the paranoid effects of weed seem to be suppressed.
I like to smoke, drop, then smoke smoke smoke.

I love smokin'. <3
MDMA/ecstasy contributed to my increase in cannabis use, not that I am blaming a drug, but it did make me spiffy when it wore off.
I used to smoke it just when the E wore off to help me chill/come down.
But that was usually at a rave.
I used to smoke weed with everything. Now i mostly wait until after the peak to light up, and sometimes i don't.
Sometimes when I’m rolling I’ll smoke stupid amounts of weed. Like bowl after bowl for no reason.

After lots and lots of experience I prefer no cannabis on a good roll. Comparing smoking vs not smoking, I remember the experience much more when I wasn't smoking vs when I was, simply caused too much haziness. Even a small hit or two, of 50/50 ,seemed to cause a little bit too much fogginess. If someone offers can always suggest to smoke it later on, if they are one you would be comfortable getting physical sensationally or sexually with.

It was okay i guess, but not the best experience, so would rather maybe smoke or even consume an edible , at the end of the night, especially if still stimulated, which ime, tends to happen from an entacogen-empthogen, with dopamine , noradrenaline levels being high, still. Furthermore, unless you dosed it with the intent of higher serotonin, lower and, or moderate dopamine and norepinephrine, making sure this are not past a five, on a one to ten scale, think 70 mgs 5 mapb, 20 mgs 2 fma, and 5 mgs 4-ho-met (most sub 4 tryptamines dose range). Otherwise, 6 apb even 50 mgs , combined with 35 mgs 5-mapb , in my experience, still can cause high stimulation, especially if dosed in the evening, like a going out dose , nine pm, ten pm eleven pm, when night venues, or doing a house party, rave event.

Cannabis, Even a 60/40 50/50 would be more ideal, afterwards, if with someone you want to get physically sensual and sexual with. Last night I left a group I wanted to hang with hanging, and ejected, went home, and stayed up looking at some of their Instagram, that night, and wired. Not fun at all. If just smoking to chill out for sleep, the higher Indica the better. If all one has is a 70/30, id say better than nothing for sleep that night. I know cannabis can effect rem sleep, and this is an exception to the rule, under these circumstances, it can help.