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smoking weed before MDMA


Jun 4, 2008
Does smoking weed a couple of hours before MDMA decrease the intensity of the high of the MDMA?
I have only smoke it at the comedown of the MDMA but never before and was wondering if it would decrease the intensity of the MDMA high.
Cannabis can bring down your blood pressure or heart rate giving you a more relaxing mdma high but intensifies in other ways like can bring out visuals. Lessens the mdma comedown aswell.

But weed should usually be smoked on the peak and end of mdma. Cannabis is a drug which tops off every drug you have done that night so it should be consumed last of all drugs.
Yeah just realize that a little weed indeed counter acts the tension, depression and stuff from serotonin releasers. It's a bit paradox but weed is anti-depressive yet anxiogenic. If anxiety overweighs or is on par, weed fucks me up. When depression/sadness overweighs, it offers relief. Guess it's a tad dissociative too (deperson-/realization - but unfortunately not inhibiting the physical fear like e.g. ketamine does).
I have smoked weed a lot before and during come up.
I have also only smoked it once high.

Really depends on tolerance tbh. If you smoke a lot, like daily for example, before during after, its fun but all the same.
If you smoke once a week or month or less, the when you smoke in relation to the mdma high will be relevant. In this case i do agree with comments above, after being high, at peak perhaps slightly after is best.
Marijuana gives you something familiar to grab onto. If you snort coke it’s quicker than digesting mdma and is perfect. But I’m older now so I gotta be careful.
Imo, weed and stimulants are like pissing in the wind. Weed should be reserved for the comedown.

That is all.