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Smallest Amount You Ever got Arrested For


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I know America takes busting people very seriously but a friend of mine in Australia now has a court date for being found with 1 bar of 1 mg xanax without a prescription. Likely to be a couple of thousand bucks once he's hired a lawyer to avoid a conviction if possible and paid a fine.

Anyone else ever get taken to the cleaners for a measly amount of drugs?
In the 60's I was arrested for 1 joint and served (only) 60 days because it was my first offense. This was in the US.
60 days for one joint, that's crazy, so is being arrested for 1 x 1mg Xanax, someone I read about had a like a 3rd of a gram of ketamine and was done for that, think it was a famous person can't remember, all I can remember thinking is what was the point in that fucksake
I was taken to the police station because an undercover officer catched me with 1g of hash lol.

But I got out quickly and still have a clean record. That experience made me much more careful.
Usually the tickets are given under the classic plea, these cops ye, they're human beings too, they wanna get high too, rite, rite -- haha.
just 3 grams of mdma and 4 lsd blotters, only time i've been arrested and taken into custody. Needless to say I had to pay to get out, otherwise I would've served time. Clean record :p Had to stay 4 days in that police station's cell though.
just 3 grams of mdma and 4 lsd blotters, only time i've been arrested and taken into custody. Needless to say I had to pay to get out, otherwise I would've served time. Clean record :p Had to stay 4 days in that police station's cell though.

Hope you weren't tripping too hard when they took you to custody lol.

LSD is so easy to hide though and sniffing dogs can't find it (well you'd have to be incredibly unlucky to be near a LSD-sniffing dog).
There was one time when a police officer checked my wallet (I guess he suspected something) and I had a few acid tabs in there but he didn't find them.
Hope you weren't tripping too hard when they took you to custody lol.

LSD is so easy to hide though and sniffing dogs can't find it (well you'd have to be incredibly unlucky to be near a LSD-sniffing dog).
There was one time when a police officer checked my wallet (I guess he suspected something) and I had a few acid tabs in there but he didn't find them.
i was lucid as fuck........i was going to a rave at night. Had money, drugs, tickets with my gf ready. Fucked up big time, had to pay so much money to get out. I had been looking forward to hear LOCO DICE again for 4 years :( Didn't happen, ruined ma weekend,
I got served with a no knock warrant by the drug task force and they busted in with a swat team, woke me up and tore my house apart. Some other people living in the house had sold coke to undercovers and had an investigation on them.

They let me go at the time but months later charged me with felony drug posession for a half g of MDMA, as well as misdemeanors for HALF a bar of xanax. So half a mg. And a couple grams of weed.

Just kind of funny how big their bust was supposed to be and thats all they got.
They let me go at the time but months later charged me with felony drug posession for a half g of MDMA

A felony for half a gram that's insane, did you get time or a few? what's the amount of a certain drug when it is a misdemeanour then before it goes upto a felony?
I’ve only been “busted” one time. Me and my girl were fucking in the backseat, just got finished and I got to light my 1 hit that I have in my one hitter. As I’m taking the hit a light hits my face, I’m literally naked with smoke bellowing out of my mouth.

I got charged with that one fucking hit, probably simply cuz they were irritated that they had to tear my car apart to find nothing.

They also made me stand with nothing but pants on in subzero temps for a good while. Lesson learned, fuck at home.

A felony for half a gram that's insane, did you get time or a few? what's the amount of a certain drug when it is a misdemeanour then before it goes upto a felony?

I Didnt have to serve time but had to plead guilty to the felony. I don’t think the amount matters, since MDMA is schedule 1 it’s a felony. I just looked it up and apparently its only a misdemeanor in colorado now as of 2019, but this was over a decade ago. I also think they stuck me with a felony to prove a point and make an example out of me for not snitching
It's crazy, I don't think I'd get took to caught or anything for mdma in the UK if it was percy, sounds really mad, especially for such a small amount
I got a felony and 60 days for heroin residue on a cooker they found while searching my car.