Technical Problem Slow loading, server errors

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Bluelight Crew
Mar 17, 2011
I have a mytouch 4g that's been running very slow lately, so I did a factory data reset and now everything is smooth.. Except for Bluelight. Sometimes it takes ages to load a page, then it's really fast again, then it's slow. And Bad Requests are popping up frequently, like internal server error pages. This only happens with Bluelight, and no other sites. I've talked with other BL'ers having similar problems. What's the deal?
Http processes are timing out a lot, this is probably due to high traffic. We are due upgrades soon, we're in the process of discussing when we are able to do them without too much downtime.
As of 09:40 GMT, the site appears to be at a crawl. This page took 6 minutes to load! :D
Been getting SERVER TOO BUSY errors all day, whats up with that? Too many concurrent sessions for the database to handle?
Left a comment earlier in the upgrade thread here That explains the errors and that we're working on it. It should be functioning much better now, its still being tinkered with.

This was a massive upgrade, both hardware and software-wise so there will be a few kinks to iron out over the next couple weeks. Just the natural way of things, apologize for the inconvenience but its the cost of overall progress and will be ironed out soon :)
Yes i too have experienced the same issues. couldn't log in at all yesterday due to server busy errors. today it's been extremely slow. It took me 20 minutes (literally) in order to get from going to the site and post this post.

I've also had some cosmetic problems, and everything is very jumbled on the main screens where you view the different subforums/topics. I took some screen shots, but i'll upload them later when things are hopefully running smoother.

And sorry if any of this was mentioned in the upgrade discussion thread, i literally can't make it to that thread to view it, so if this has been answered in that thread already, again sorry.
As this is a mishmash of half irrelevant half half answered posts I'm goign to close this thread and direct any further discussion here.
upgrade discussion thread

Feel free to PM me with any question or concerns about this closure or anything else.
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