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Shrooms with oxy or ghb

Juniper Bruhmomentius

Bluelight Crew
May 10, 2019
So Im planning on taking shrooms in a few days and am wondering if I could simultaneously take either low dose of oxy or low dose of ghb?

Has anyone taken shrooms with either of these?

If yes, then what was your experience like.
I took shrooms and near the end H. It pretty much morphed into a classic heroin high; I don't know how it would be if I took H in the middle of the trip but it would probably dull it. Another friend of mine was feeling a little quesy because of the shrooms and when he took H, he started puking. Oxy could be a little different though because it's a little stimulating.
Okay, so if taken in the middle it definitely fucks the stomach. Thanks.

Anyone ever taken coke or ghb with shrooms?
GHB with MXE is a very lethal combo. Absolutely no fun whasoever and my guess is that shrooms wouldn't exactly be fun either with GHB