Shoulder injury


May 21, 2009
Hi guys i know this has nothing to do with steroids but it is an issue from working out. 6 months ago i injured my rotator cuff. it has slowly gotten better since then but its been so long and still bothers. For the first three months of my injury i didnt do chest and shoulders due to the sharp pain i was experiencing. I work construction though so havent really been able to let it rest properly. The last three months i have slowly been incorporating shoulders and chest back into my workouts. I keep weight light and dont go lower than eight reps. I also have been directly working out rotator cuffs with light weight 2-3 times a week. What else can i do to get this shoulder to heal? Supplements or anything to help please. Iv'e read fish oil helps joints and tendons im going to start on that today. Ive also been icing my shoulder after workouts too.
You can do pretty much nothing mate they are extremely stubborn injuries, I dislocated my shoulder about 4 years ago, thought I healed, trained, rotor cuff tore, waited a year, trained again, rotor cuff tear...
Only thing that helped was running the steroid deca which kept my problems at bay. I sleep funny at night because I can't lie at certain angles now because of it. I feel it niggle all the time still gets painful sometimes.

Light weights is a bout all you can do and they don't help much.
I had torn my Rotator in "98" and after 6 months of physical therapy they did an MRI and I had to have arthroscopic surgery to repair it. After that it healed in three months. Fucking Workman's Compensation should have paid for the MRI in the first place and saved me a lot of pain and time out of work. America's Medical Care, nothing to speak highly of, except the drugs. Every cloud has a silver lining.
im pretty sure i didnt tear my rotory cuff though. im pretty sure it would have been alot more painful. I just probably strained it or a slight tear. Havent really sought out medical help. Seems to be getting better on its own.
It's not that painful to tear it more of a ripped feeling that is moderately annoying with a small bit of pain. Well saying that I have a v high pain threshold, though it definitely prevented me from training doe at least 6 months