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Bupe Should I go on Bunavail? Cuting Bunavail films?


Mar 20, 2015
Just read the BOLD if you do not want to read my blabber. Sorry for that.

I have been on and off opiates for over 10 years. Mostly Heroin.
I did subxone treatment about 5 years ago and finally stopped everything.
About 6 months ago I started drinking poppy seed tea. Mixed with days of Heroin.

About 2 weeks ago I decided to stop. I made 2 8mg suboxone films that I got on the street
last me about a week and a half. In the end I was taking .2mg for 3 days then ran out.
I freaked out and made a Dr. Appointment with a sub Dr.
They said they can see me the next day.
I took 20mg of Imodium and a couple Gabapentin. It made me feel better.

The Day of the Dr. Appointment I wake up and finally started feeling better.
On that day it was 48 hours since I took .5 suboxone and 24 hours since I took the 20mg Imodium.
I was thinking, I should not have made the Dr. Appointment but I went anyway.
The Dr. gave me a script for 4.2/0.07mg bunavail films.
He said take half in the morning and half at night.
It says on the packaging: Use entire film. Do not cut, tear, chew or swallow film.
I took one of the strips that day.

It has been 48 hours since I took one 4.2mg/0.7mg Bunavail, this is about the strength of 8mg/2mg suboxone ---- they say...
I was not sick when I took it so it made me high. 48 hours later I still feel fine. Tomorrow I will probably wake up a little sick but not much.
Over the last two weeks I pretty much quit. I went through the withdrawals while making the 2 8mg suboxone last a week and a half.

I am debating if I should go on Suboxone "Bunavail" Maintenance.
The last time I did it, It really just gave me a way to use and Stop when I wanted.
More of a harm reduction thing. BUT in the end I did end up stopping for 2 years. (IV heroin)
I really only started feeling better when I stopped the suboxone...

As of now I have a script of Bunavail. Like all Dr's he gave me films much to strong. (I wanted that for money reasons)
I am really making myself crazy trying to decide if I should even go on this stuff again.
I remember when I was on suboxone before, for a long time, it was kind of hard to stop.
Actually, kinda really hard to stop. Really long withdrawal.
I am debating going on maintenance. I guess it is up to me to decide. I can't really ask this question...
ahhhhh...... I just don't know.
Say someone beat the physical withdrawal of H. Would you go on a low dose of Suboxone in fear of Mental Relapse?
When I am on Suboxone I tend to almost have more a reason to relapse since I have suboxone. Like I said, I only start
feeling way better when I am off suboxone and everything.
This is driving me crazy, if I should go on a small dose of Bunavail or not.
Now that I write this I realize it is something I am going to have to decide and I can't really ask someone else.
But here is a question I can ask.

Can You cut the Bunavail fims into small pieces?
If I do decide to take the Bunavail films I am cutting this thing into 4 or 6 pieces.
I read online a few people saying the bupe is not evenly dispersed in that film.
It even says on the packaging. USE ENTIRE FILM, DO NOT CUT...
But my Dr. said cut it in half and take half in morning and half at nigh.
I will need to cut it in 6 pieces because half is to much...
Has anyone done this and felt each piece was the same strength?
The suboxone films cut into small pieces real nice.
I don't know about this new Bunavail stuff...
I guess if I do it and it works I will write here and let you know.
But I might not even take it...
It has been 48 hours and I feel fine.

edit: I figured out how to ask the first question.
Say you beat physical withdrawal would you go on Suboxone or Bunavail for psychological purposes?
It may be nice to have something to get my life going again even though I do not need it for physical reasons.
I do not know about my above thinking... It seems druggy. but maybe harm reduction...
I may regret it when it comes time to stop the Bunavail.
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I called the company to ask about the cutting.
They gave me the walk around...
I was on hold 30 min and then they said they would give me a number to call Monday. I hung up.
That is all I got so far...

I am really wanting to know about cutting this medication in small pieces.

I should not have fallen for the free sample script and just got the suboxone films like before...
Either way it has been about 60 hours since I have taken any.

edit: can someone put an extra t in cutting in the subject. my spelling is really bad.
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I don't really like this stuff. I end up with a big glob of goo all over my teeth.
What's up ppl, I cut these all the time into sections and don't have any issues, etc... I don't understand why they put these warnings. Seems to be the same effect and cutting up Sub's. Anyhow, take it easy. BTW, been on these about 5 to 6 months now since I switch off Sub's due to stupid Ins. company not covering Sub's any longer. Peace, Fizo Jizo
By the way after 15 minutes the only thing left isthe backing material. It's there to prevent the bupe from being released into your whole mouth instead of all of it going through the mucus membrane of your cheek. After 15 minutes or so i just wipe it out with a paper towel.
I noticed the wording on the strip is not evenly centered. I'm sure that was done on purpose. My ? is, if you cut the strips like I just started doing, if there are no more words on a few peices how can you tell which side is which?
I have been cutting it and stickingit on my cheek for a couple months now.
I notice no difference instrength between pieces.
When I started this thread I was a bitworried about it but
I am very happy with bunavail. Itdoes work great and they cut fine.
The sticking to my teeth thingis not much of a problem. I get the strip below the teeth now. (when taking smaller pieces)
Just like dip.
I actually really like it. I like it more than suboxone. (I like the way it disolves)

For knowing which side goes against the cheek you can tell by the shine on it.
I also do not believe it matters much when taking a smaller piece. just get itdown there in between the gum and cheek.

Yeah, again, I like this stuff alot. I said some bad things about it at first. But it is great. No problems.
It was also a good idea I started taking it. I am getting my life back on track and working again.
The dope cravings started going away after being on it for a couple months. So I do believe it was a
better idea FOR ME to stay on it for a little bit.
I know I have to eventually get off this stuff but that is nothing new...
same old cycle I have had for the last 10+ years or so... for now I am happy and I am gong to stick with it.

I have no complaints about them. So easy to stick on cheek. After I cut the strips into four peices I figured out how to get 1 of the 4 peices in half and still know which side is up. If anyone asks I will let u know. I never put the wrong side on my cheek. I will take your word for it now. I will also look to c if one side is more shiny. The way I figure it is if u cut down the right way and get down to 2mg or less, why not just tell your doc that u want the highest dose possible and that can last for months, even longer depending on how much he/she will script u! Everything is addictive (caffeine, nicotine etc...) If u need it take it and don't worry about stopping if it helps! My opinion unless it's a matter of $ and that's why the scripting from Doc comes in.
Rualive....how can you know which side is which?

By the shine on it.

If it is really small just stick it between your cheek and gum.
I have been doing this for a long time now with a very small piece and it works great.
the company, is in the business to make money off drug addicts.........not differnt from your corner heroin salesmen. If you cut it you would only be purchasing half as much of their product, and not be as addicted. I witness this is in a lot of situations. Fertilizer specialized for weed is the same way.......the "reccomended usage" is usually about 1/2 what you need and the full dose is tethering the edge of harming your plants. Thats my .02 cents anyways. I put nothing pas big pharma.
Choosing sides....more specific


Hold the piece of film up to a form of light. Tilt it back and forth so the light reflects off the film. Now do the same with the other side of the film. The shiny side faces AWAY FROM YOUR CHEEK. The dull side goes AGAINST YOUR CHEEK. Hope that helps. And, by the way, I cut/tear my Bunavail films all the time. Sometimes this makes it more difficult for the film to adhere to my cheek, but I've gotten used to it and now have no problems.

And for the record, I LOVE Bunavail. I don't have to hold a bunch of spit in my mouth for 20 minutes like I did on Suboxone. The biggest problem with Bunavail currently (in my opinion,) is lack of insurance coverage. My Dr. got me covered b/c Suboxone was giving me major headaches. So she basically got them to cover Bunavail for medical reasons...

"One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself."