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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Shot lorazepam IV for the first time



Please don't judge. After my rant I will explain how I did it for anyone that is looking this up and hellbent on doing what I did even though it will never be 100% safe and I don't encourage it. I have been experiencing horrible and at times debilitating stomach pains and GI issues for over a year with no relief. Just more and more tests. I was being prescribed 4mg Dilauded for the pain on a regular basis but after so many inconclusive tests that only showed idiopathic colitis, alternating chronic constipation and diarrhea, episodes mimicking seizures with hypertension/hypotension/tachycardia/bradycardia/palpitations and intense migraines, my doctor stopped prescribing me painkillers that actually helped with the pain (after building a major tolerance I'm sure) and only prescribed anti-diarrheal and antispasmodic meds along with Phenobarbital elixir, Ativan, and the highest dose of Linzess available to help me go to the bathroom regularly (which causes horrific gas pains often without producing a BM). I've lost jobs because of whatever this condition is and my relationship has suffered because of it often because I don't feel well enough to have sex with my partner. I've been so constipated that it has actually made intercourse painful and I've had cramping and diarrhea so bad that even the thought of sitting upright in a chair hurts because of rectal pain and hemorrhoids. I have gone 2 weeks without having a bowel movement and gone so much in a matter of hours that all that is left is mucous and blood to spasm out. I'm sorry to get graphic but I have no idea what else to do besides resorting to heroin use as I'm living such a low quality of life as it is. I've been to specialists, I tried resorting to a pain management doctor to keep my pain under control but due to the widespread abuse of pain medication there are only 2 that remain open in my area and they don't treat people with pain due to chronic idiopathic GI distress. It also doesn't help that I had gastric bypass some years ago and no doctor wants to do too much without direct orders from my bariatric surgeon. I have legitimately been admitted to the hospital, spent 3 days there, and then been discharged with instructions to get into contact with my surgeon whom I can't find because they couldn't find a doctor that wanted to do anything exploratory passed a colonoscopy (that revealed the colitis and a mean case of what turned out to be precancerous polyps. The doctor used the word "riddled" when describing them), endoscopy, and an upper GI series that showed a hiatal hernia that has been put on the back burner due to my severe symptoms. I was in so much pain for the last 36 hours that I couldn't sleep and did major research on how to dissolve my lorazepam/Ativan and with my medical experience as a nursing student and phlebotomist I used one of my practice kits to give myself an IV and inject half of the dosage mixture I found to be safest online using sterilized water and 2 times the filters for the byproduct of the pill which dissolves very easily. It was basically immediate relief as I pushed very slowly even though I was only using half of the dose people seem to use "safely" recreationally. I don't recommend doing it as it can be very dangerous even with medical knowledge. I know the concoction I made is not what comes in he ampules at the hospital but I felt I had no other options for relief. If there are any medical professionals reading this please take from this that not everyone is a junkie, some people really are in pain and when you treat someone who really is in pain like a junkie they can end up in their bathroom floor at 5am trying anything to feel better. With that long story out of the way I want to explain the method I used to anyone who might be thinking of doing what I did because I believe it was the safest way it could have been done with the resources I had at my disposal. I am only disclosing this method for lorazepam because I did not do any research on any other medication before trying this.
It is as follows:
The ratio I found to be a safe range across the board for someone that uses lorazepam regularly is 1.5ml sterilized water or normal saline per 2.5mg. I repeat 1.5ml:2.5mg. Most people are prescribed 0.5mg pills so if you have some or get a hold of some that is most likely the dosage. If you are unsure look up the code on the pill to be sure.
I sterilized the water by boiling it for more than 1 minute. I pulled the sterilized water into the syringe and let it cool. I then took 2 coffee filters and 1 alcohol swab Pad (I read that it may not dissolve fully without alcohol) and placed the alcohol swab pad in the middle of the coffee filters. I placed my desired amount of pills onto the swab pad in the filters and placed it over a small bowl to catch the liquid. I then slowly squirted the water from the syringe onto the pills which quickly dissolved. After the pills were fully dissolved I twisted the coffee filters with the alcohol swab inside to ring out what liquid was absorbed by the filters. Then I drew up the solution into the syringe. I didn't have an actual needle for the end of my syringe so I took a butterfly needle blood collection kit and rigged it up into some IV tubing enabling me to push the solution in through the butterfly needle (worked great because you get a flash of blood as soon as you hit the vein without having to poke and draw blood into the syringe to make sure you're in the right spot. However, a syringe is fine and in most states you can purchase a certain amount from a pharmacy without a prescription for the very reason of keeping people from using dirty needles). Tying up your arm with a tourniquet is the best way to make your veins pop so you can pick a good entry point. I also read that injection in the arm is less likely to cause life threatening complications than certain places because it is further away from vital organs and major arteries. You can find plenty of videos and instructions about finding a vein and injecting however I want anyone that is trying any drug intravenously to know that it's dangerous, you could die and if you're absolutely going to inject to spite that please be sanitary about it and please inject slowly. Pushing the drug slowly will give you time to gauge your reaction to it. It's easier to recover from a small dose than it is to rush and push a large dose causing an adverse reaction or OD. I'm not proud that I did what I did and although it helped the pain came back. Same thing can be said about any drug and the reasoning behind using it. I hope I never do it again but if I can help someone be a little bit more safe that was going to do it anyway by posting this then it did some good.
You seem to think you're some kind of deviant for doing what you did. You needed pain relief, you knew how to do it (kind of), you couldn't get relief from what our broken society calls a medical system. So with the resources and knowledge you had, you gave yourself relief. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. You're not hurting anyone. I hope you find peace with that and I hope you find relief from your pain.
The A.M.A. is a disgrace and the treatment that we get from our government and our medical professionals is deplorable. Prohibition and the war on drugs, for profit prisons, the FDA, and the DEA are all systems of oppression. A person should have the freedom to do as they please, and especially as they need.
people lose their arms shooting pills. lorazepam has a good oral bioavailability. the risk of IVing lorazepam pills is way out of proportion to the benefits.

sorry you are in pain.
Have you tried Lactulose for your bowel problems? I'm a private duty nurse. The client I have been with for the last 2 years has problems moving his bowels. The only medication he was on for it was Colace twice a day and he had been on that regimen since he was a kid (he's in his 40's now). After 2 days no bm I would have to administer Mirilax and if that didn't work by the 3rd day I would have to administer an enema. It got to the point that I was administering more powder and enemas than he was having regular bowel movements. Went to see the Dr about it and he decided to put him on a 15ml once daily dose of Lactulose and after about 2 weeks he is completely regular. He goes anywhere from 1-12 hours after he takes it. Before the Lactulose most of the bm's he had were hard and round like giant bunny turds. It had to have hurt him coming out. Now not only is he regular but the consistency is the way it's supposed to be. I know you said you have medical training and it seems like you have had this problem for some time so you probably already know about what I'm going to say next but just incase you don't know I'm going to say it anyway. When you are sitting on the toilet trying to go you should really rest your feet on a stool. The Stool doesn't have to be higher than about 12in from the ground unless you have really long legs You might need something just a skosh higher. Sit on the toilet and make sure you rest your feet flat on the stool. This will actually open up your bowel and you won't have to push. The waste will just slowly and naturally work it's way down and out. Sometimes it takes awhile depending on where it's sitting in there. I learned that after I gave birth to my first child. I was scared to go because I was worried about popping the stitches out down there but they wouldn't discharge me until I had a bm. I was so worked up about it I was having small panic attacks and my amazing nurse showed me that trick. Works like a charm pretty much every single time I have had to use that trick since I learned it almost 16 years ago. Good luck to you. I hope you find some relief soon. ?