Sex on E


Jan 2, 2000
Okay, so I was just curious to know about sex on E. Or even serious sexual contact. I understand that It would be definetly amazing. everything about it. But what about the sex afterwards when you're NOT on E. It cannot hardly compare!! Will sex on E ruin the sex sober?
Love Always
nothing can ruin sober sex. =)
but some guys cant get the equipment to function on e.
sure it may feel "great" on e... but sex (while sober) causes similar seratonin (and verious other neuroconducter) surges ANYWYAS.... so the expierience is literaly intoxicating...
sober, fuct, who cares... sex is an expression of the feelings you have for someone... it allways feels great.
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!
Wherever you are,
Yer gunna see me FLY!!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
Mind-blowing experience is all I can say.

Although believe it or not I actually prefer to chill with friends, give hugs and back massages, *e-kisses*, and dance when I'm on e. And sober sex is still great too, you just gotta put everything in perspective.
sex on E is truly amazing but will NEVER take the place of sober sex. it can open your sexual relationship up. besides, sometimes it's hard for a guy to keep going for a long time while rolling. some girls also have trouble climaxing...have fun!
Heh, funny enough this was one of our biggest concerns when my BF and I first started rolling. Now we laugh about that being our concern coz we've never really been able to have a successful romp on E.. Just big long luvy duvy cuddlefests!

~*~ Ashke ~*~
Sex on E is excellent. I have never really had sex while peaking though, I usually have it on the come down. It is an awesome feeling but it is hard to climax because all the feelings are so intense it is like a constant orgasm (at least for me). I don't know if for guys the reason Mr. Happy can't play is because they are trying to have sex while peaking. Maybe couples should try it while coming down, it's awesome.
Regret for things you do can be tempered by time. It is regret for things not done that are unconsolable;)
Do it.... but becareful.... If you don't love her, and really care for her... then you could ruin sex when sober. It is really excellent.... but just use caution.

Thought is full of lies. If you feel, you will see the truth.
Only your feelings can show you the real beauty of a person.
To be honest I really don't get interested in sex when i'm rolling. I'm far more interested in hugging everyone, and just chillin'
Enjoyment starts with an "E"
i hear you mr. geezer... :)
i know what you're talking about!!!
just give me a nice big, fuzzy, soft couch a couple of friends to cuddle next to and tell them how important they are to me and DON"T TAKE MY VICKS!!!!!
so no sex while on e for me is the last thing on my mind...
i hear you mr. geezer... :)
i know what you're talking about!!!
just give me a nice big, fuzzy, soft couch a couple of friends to cuddle next to and tell them how important they are to me and DON"T TAKE MY VICKS!!!!!
so no sex while on e for me is the last thing on my mind...
anyways, having sex w/ me while i am rolling would NOT be fun. I chew gum from the moment i drop till the moment i crash out...
Enjoyment starts with an "E"
yeah, with all the grinding, biting, and chewing that accompanies wonder guys can't get it up!!
I'm not too interested in sex when I'm rolling either.This summer I sketched out at my boyfriends house after every party, went to sleep in the same bed and never had sex, didn't even fool around. This was pretty unprecedented in our relationship but kinda funny. We still had sex while sober, just never on e. The desire just wasn't there. I'm always have more of a huggy friends vide than a horny one. Glad my boyfriend was on the same vibe.

"Reality is just a crutch for people who can't handle drugs."
-- Lily Tomlin
To answer your question Miss Yem, I don't think it lessens normal sex at all. It's just very different.
A girl that I have been seeing jokes that we "become Porn Stars" on an E comedown and that's exactly what it feels like.... it's a great feeling for a guy to know he can just go and go and, well, go
and really explore all the things in a sex session that he may not usually be physically able to when sober....the time just seems to slip by and before you know it, you've approximated every position of the Kama Sutra (and a few they missed
) and 4 hours has just gone whooooossshhh!!...
the next day you'll have sober sex and it's're probably NOT talking like a bad stick movie anymore (you know, the "fuck me, fuck me's!!") and you'll be much more focussed on REALLY seeing your partner (I tend to find my vision is somewhat unreal under E's influence)...
so there's me....
I'd definitely give it a go Miss Yem...
too many freaks, not enough circuses... :cool: